You Are Foolish - Part 1

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The young man with the bandages sat on that chair next to the bed sleeping on him a young man with red hair the color of flame, the features of the bandaged young man were sad and painful as he looked at the features of his partner while he was asleep, calm was on his features)

Dazai: Chuuya! Please wake up

Doctor: The matter depends on him only. Doctor Yosano treated all his injuries, but he has been in a coma for three months, and there is no sign or response from him to waking up

Dazai (with agonizing features): You're an idiot, Chuuya, why should you do all this and risk your life for someone you didn't know before, You only spent a few days with . . . , you're a big foolish


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(Three months ago)

(Chuuya was on his way back after the mission to stop a gang that was trying to rob a cargo from the port mafia, while he was walking down those streets)

Chuuya: Huh !! Cry ?! (He turned around looking for the source of the crying sound, a little girl was standing near a big tree crying, Chuuya approached that a little girl and sat on his feet to be on the level of that a little girl ) Can I know why the little girl is crying?

Girl(raising her head and staring at Chuuya): Beautiful!

Chuuya: Huh! What is ?

Girl : You, you are beautiful sir

Chuuya (with a sweet smile): Thank you, Miss. Now can you tell me why you are crying?

Girl: There (she is pointing up the tree)

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Girl: There (she is pointing up the tree)

Chuuya: Huh !! (Chuuya stared, a beautiful red balloon was stuck between the branches) That is why then (He is looking at the a little girl ) Well close your eyes

Girl: Why?

Chuuya: Won't you do this for me?

Child: I'll do it (she closed her eyes to use Chuuya his ability and fly to get the balloon)

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