[ Christmas Special ]

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-he would make hot chocolate
-sew matching christmas sweaters for the both of you
-cuddle you on the couch with the sweaters on and a blanket
-cuddling as you're drinking hot chocolate
-basically has a nice quiet cuddling session with you
-he plays a song for you after you both finish drinking hot chocolate

-giggle with you as you both make gingerbread houses
-do a karaoke with you in the house
-build a snowman with you
-cook food (especially nuggets with different shapes)
-high chance you both will order mcdonalds because of aether
-mcdonalds is the emergency food now

-will take you out to stargaze
-a bit shy and quiet while outside with a faint blush
-might stutter a bit because he's awkward
-holding hands
-cheek kisses are a thing
-at home he will make sure that you're warm by making you into a burrito with a blanket
-forehead kisses

-takes you out to a fancy chinese restaurant
-insists to pay for everything but was $0.01 less
-will literally negotiate the price by bringing up his lawyer (xiao)
-then brings you home to bake cookies with you
-watch netflix movies while semi-cuddling
-forehead kisses while you're asleep
-might take selfies while you're asleep to keep your sleeping face in his photos

-brings you to celebrate with his siblings
-teucer hogs you
-he's a bit possessive so he locks you in his room
-plays games with you while you're sitting between his legs
-lots of hugs
-teucer is kinda sad that he can't play with you
-makes sure you're also having fun (with him mostly)
-in the end you and his siblings eat a cake together happily

-takes you out to ice skate
-laughs every time he purposely trips you
-ask for forgiveness by giving you [favorite food]
-also builds a snowman with you
-maybe snow angels but kaeya doesnt wanna get his hair messy
-later gives you a husky puppy as a present
-you both later go to a friend's house to celebrate with everyone

-also brings you to a fancy restaurant
-he actually pays but overpays and says "keep the change"
-he takes you shopping to decorate the christmas tree
-rich x2
-might've purposely put a mistletoe somewhere and when you both were under it, he said "this is childish"
-still gives you a smooch anyways
-he blushes a lot
-both of you were a bit drunk because he has wine
-cuddles you when its bed time

-reading books aloud to you
-cuddling on the couch in front of the fireplace
-lots of books were your presents
-took you out to eat but at a normal restaurant
-was a little shy when he tries giving kisses
-you give him kisses every chance you get
-face red the entire time
-bought matching pajamas to watch christmas movies with you

-lots and lots of popsicles
-christmas edition
-brought you to the mall because he thought you would like it
-you sort of enjoyed it but you love being with him
-took you to a japanese restaurant to eat ramen because he wanted to eat the special
-he didn't like that you put wasabi in his sushi
-lots of hugs
-he got revenge by destroying your pillow fort
-you both ended up making s'mores

-watched movies with you
-werewolf movies
-cuddling you while you both watched movies
-matching fuzzy sweaters with a wolf design
-you both made cute bracelets and necklaces for each other
-you gave him a wolf plushie and he named it rozar because its him as a wolf with his name backwards
-you gave him a lot of kisses

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