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Lumine walked through the woods, heading back towards the cave. She thought she had enough information for Ilvonia and Arter, though they probably already knew about it. Besides, Ilvonia had called for her to go back..

Encountering a few boars, slimes, and hilichurls, Lumine quickly got rid of them with her sword. The girl let out a frustrated sigh, trying to scrape the leftover slime off. Lumine started to speed walk back to the cave, noticing the entrance from a distance.

Lumine remembered that red girl, noticing how she looked at her brother. She grits her teeth. How could that girl think about her brother like that? Nobody, absolutely nobody, could love her brother. The only person he truly cares about is her. No one can replace her.
{I'm hoping you guys are joking about the incest comments..}

The cave entrance snapped her out of her thoughts. Lumine stared at the two Abyss mages in front of her, waving them off. She walked inside, feeling a bit warmer after being outside in the cold.

"Glad to see you back, Lumine." Ilvonia popped out of her room, her attire a mess. Lumine looked over with a disgusted look. "We live in a cave." She revolted, smelling the strong perfume from the room.

The goddess rolled her eyes, "we weren't doing anything nasty." Lumine snorted.

"Keep rolling your eyes. You might find a brain in there if you do it hard enough." The outlander walked away, waving her hand. "I'll tell you after I get to sleep, but you and Arter most likely already know."

Lumine continued to walk down the cave towards her room, ignoring the angered cries from Ilvonia. When she walked into her room, the smell of flowers washed over her. Light blue flowers that matched the flowers in her hair lined up at the side of her room.

To others, it must've looked like she's a flower person. No, she isn't. She's obsessed with this flower. The flower that Aether gifted her during one of their travels.

You could say she has a bit of a brother complex.


Another day went by. Aether woke up to Paimon munching on his McNuggets that he made last night. "PAIMON!" He screamed, taking his sword out and swinging it around where Paimon is.

"W-wait!" She yelped, flying higher to dodge the sword's attack.

"NO MORE WAITING! YOU HAVE EATEN MY NUGGETS, AND I CAN'T FORGIVE YOU!" Aether lets out a cry as he swings his sword at a panicked Paimon.

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