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**heinrey<3 (remarried empress)

**heinrey<3 (remarried empress)

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"Ilvonia and Arter.. those two have my [Weapon]?" You sneered, glaring out the window. Venti nervously nodded, noticing your mood changing.

"H-hey, don't worry! The Knights of Favonius will help us!" Venti held your hands, trying to at least help calm you down.

You sighed, "I don't want people getting involved, Venti." It's your [Weapon], so it's not their responsibility to retrieve it for you.

Venti quickly shook his head. "No no no! I don't want you to get hurt! You haven't even gotten your powers back." Venti says, trying to reason with you.

"I can't have people going against two gods, Venti!" Your hands roughly pushed Venti's hands away. You grabbed him by the shoulders.

"I don't want people getting hurt.. not like last time." Your lips pressed against each other into a thin line. Remembering what happened to the citizens who tried helping last time caused you to feel guilt.

They died trying to help.

You don't want more people dying. Even now, you feel so weak without any powers to fight Arter and Ilvonia. You hate feeling so helpless. The small amount of your Astral powers will barely help when you go up against them without a weapon.

Venti suddenly gave you a hug, surprising you. "Please.. I promise nothing like that will happen. Just accept the help.." He mumbled into your ear, causing shivers down your spine from how close his breath was.



"Okay." You closed your eyes, wrapping your arms around Venti. He smiled.

First thing to do when you get up is to find a temporary weapon for now until you get your precious [Weapon] back.. how about something long-range to be safe?

"I hope you have a good reason why you decided to bring that out?" Ilvonia crossed her arms, glaring at the abyss mage before her who held a [Weapon]

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"I hope you have a good reason why you decided to bring that out?" Ilvonia crossed her arms, glaring at the abyss mage before her who held a [Weapon].

"A-apologies.. the Princess asked for it-" Ilvonia clicked her tongue.

"That girl.. fine, give it to her. Make sure she doesn't lose it. I expect multiple of you to be guarding it with her." Ilvonia turned her heels, walking off to find Arter as the abyss mage scurried away.

That brat better know what she's doing.. I can't believe Arter hasn't even told her about it yet. Ilvonia scowled, digging her nails into her palms. The Goddess walked towards her shared room, swiftly opening the door and seeing Arter reading a book.

The man looked up, tilting his head to look at her. "What's with that look, dear?" Arter asked, marking the page before closing it.

"Lumine took the [Weapon]." Ilvonia saunters over, flopping down onto the soft bed. She shifts over to face Arter, moving around until her head rests on top of his left thigh.

Arter starts playing with her hair, smiling down at her. "You still haven't told Lumine about it yet." Ilvonia mumbled, her eyes slowly closing.

The scarred man smiles, "she'll find out eventually. For now, I just want to be as the God of Flight and Desire to her." Arter gently grabs Ilvonia by the armpits and lifts her up slightly to move her head on the large pillow.

Arter lays grabs the blanket, slowly moving it so that it wasn't under their weight. He covers Ilvonia's body with it before he lays down and covers himself.

"Sweet dreams. I love you."


Venti gently covers the sleeping [God/Goddess]'s body with a [fluffy/silky/etc.] blanket. He proudly smiled to himself when he finished, hands to his hips.

Venti stood there, silently watching you sleep. After a while of silence, Venti yawned and decided to sleep as well. He tip-toed towards his desk, picking up a change of clothes for the night to change into.

The Anemo Archon quickly changed, putting his outfit on a hanger when something fell out from a pocket. Venti lifts his eyebrow, squatting down and narrowing his eyes as he picked up the fallen object.

It was an empty Astro 'Vision.'

Venti sighs, standing back up and placing it on the desk. He stretches, letting out a satisfied grunt as he felt the joints pop.

Venti walks over to his bed, plopping down face first on the pillow. He was a bit sad that he couldn't talk more about his adventures with the others, but at least you were able to meet them.

Venti turns over to lay on his back, his feet fumbling to get under the blanket for warmth. He slightly kicks the blanket up to his waist before grabbing it to pull it over his body.

He also kicked the blanket so that it went under his feet.

Venti looked over towards the other bed, smiling at your sleeping figure before turning back and closing his eyes. Goodnight, [(Nick)Name].

-- .

──── ✩sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than the rest! i'm running out of filler ideas ;w;good news: i got hu tao :D i just need staff of homa for her now ;w;hope u hu tao lovers also got her<3 if not then dont lose hope >:0 theres still a lot o...

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──── ✩
sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than the rest! i'm running out of filler ideas ;w;
good news: i got hu tao :D i just need staff of homa for her now ;w;
hope u hu tao lovers also got her<3 if not then dont lose hope >:0 theres still a lot of time left to get her
sorry im taking a while to update :')) let me know if there are any mistakes~
also if u noticed chapter 1 is gone, idk what happened but i will try my best to rewrite it from scratch :'D

original: 2021/03/07
edit: 2022/11/12

ideas getting scraped left and right..

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