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Jean let out a frustrated sigh, her fingers curling around the roots of her gold-blonde hair and pulled at her hair

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Jean let out a frustrated sigh, her fingers curling around the roots of her gold-blonde hair and pulled at her hair. She had recently received news about the bodies found in the ally near the gate that Guy guards. The knight wasn't seen anywhere, as if he had disappeared along with her beloved Outrider; Amber.

She remembered feeling the rage from Amber's close friend Eula, not knowing what to say to the angered Captain. Jean couldn't say anything. Had she not fallen asleep while working, she might've been able to notice the disappearances of her knights.

Sighing once again, the Acting Grand Master slowly shifted away from her work as she leaned further back into her chair. Jean stood up, slipping away from her desk as she walked towards the door. Perhaps walking around to investigate will help her find any clues about Amber's whereabouts. Although it's a slim chance, Jean wants to find a small spark of hope that she'll be able to find Amber soon.

She turned the knob, pushing the cold doorknob forward to open the door. Jean slowly walks out of her office, quickly looking around to see if Eula was around. Obviously the Anemo user doesn't want to see a sad and angry Knight of Favonius Captain seeking out actual vengeance against her now.

Letting out another sigh, Jean slowly made her way out into the open. She nodded a short greeting towards the two guards in the front, giving them a small smile.

"Nice day isn't it?" A familiar voice said. Jean looked up slightly in front of her to see Lisa,  who was giving her a teasing smile. Jean knew she was just trying to ease the tension in the atmosphere.

"It is, but I can't rest until I find Amber." Jean murmured, frowning to herself as her gaze moved away from the librarian. Lisa gave her a soft smile.

"Maybe contacting the Honorary Knight to help be on the lookout will help?" Lisa suggested, walking over towards the slightly shorter woman to put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure Aether will be happy to help find Amber." She rubbed Jean's shoulder with her thumb, attempting to comfort the stressed woman.

Jean sighed, "perhaps, but I'm not even sure if the letter will get there in time. We don't exactly have fast messenger birds either, and Grand Master Varka took all the cavalry with him to his expedition so we can't send anyone on horseback." Jean let out groan, running a hand from her eyebrows to her hairline. Lisa slowly nodded.

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