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Venti dragged you around the city, talking happily with you. You noticed he had faint bags under his eyes. Has he been up late waiting for you every night? Well, that explains why you saw him immediately when you woke up.

"Let's go see Dvalin! Then I'll introduce you to the rest." He beamed, gripping your hand a bit tighter as if he was afraid you were going to leave again. Venti looked forward, walking towards Starfell Valley's cliff. Although he didn't have the holy lyre, he's going to try to see if he'll still come.

After avoiding slimes, hilichurls, and a few abyss mages, both of you finally made it to the cliff. You let out a tired laugh, seeing Venti's cape have slime essence stuck to it. Slowly walking over towards the edge, Venti lifted his lyre closer and started strumming a soft tune.

You looked around, trying to see if the blue dragon would be flying anywhere. You frowned when you didn't see a dragon. Venti slowly came to a stop, sighing in disappointment.

"I guess he isn't coming." He turned over to you. Venti was about to walk over until a deep voice stopped him.

"Who said I wasn't coming?" You and Venti looked at the edge, seeing Dvalin fly up from below. The two of you watched as he flew over both of you before landing softly behind you.

"Venti said you weren't coming," you smirked, looking at your Anemo friend. Venti pouted.

"Usually he comes during it.." He crossed his arms, letting out a 'humph.' You smiled, looking up at the dragon. "It's been so long, Dvalin." The blue dragon nodded, his head dipping to allow you to pet his nose.

Venti puffed out his cheeks as he stood by watching. He wanted your attention too. The Anemo Archon made his way over and took your hand into his. You ignored his blush.

"What happened while I was gone?" You asked, brushing your hand against his scales. Dvalin laid down, his tail resting beside him with the tip almost near his chin.

"I was tricked by an Abyss Mage into believing Barbatos abandoned me. I almost killed him and his friends." You could see the sadness and regret in Dvalin's eyes. Venti gave you and his friend a friendly smile.

"It isn't your fault, Dvalin! Don't worry about it." He chirped, sitting on a convenient rock in front of Dvalin. Also, still holding your hand, which made you have to sit down next to him.

Dvalin's eyes turned into a crescent shape. He thought it's cute that Venti continued to wait for you and lost sleep over it. He's been shipping it since he met you two. Dvalin has always been a shipper.

You looked around, noticing a few changes in the environment. Well, it has been a thousand years. Obviously, the land would change. "What happened to the boars? They look different and smaller."

Venti looked at you like you were dumb. You are. "It's been 1,000 years. Some animals change during that amount of time." You slapped yourself mentally.

Dvalin laughed, although it sounded more like a roar with wheezes. "A thousand years and [Divine Name] still hasn't changed a bit!" You gaped at the dragon as Venti joined in on laughing.

"Hey! I'll have you know I was asleep a long time! Don't expect me to change in my sleep." You scoffed, crossing your arms. Unintentionally, taking your hand out of Venti's, made him sad.

Dvalin laughed/roared/wheezed louder. The laughter died down, and the three of you talked for a while.

Unbeknownst to you three, a cloaked figure watched behind a tree. The person took out a small cube device from a pocket, attaching it to a bird's leg. They watched as the bird flew over towards the three, landing not too close and pecking at the grass.

"It was nice seeing you again, Dvalin." You hugged the dragon's snout, giving him pats. Dvalin nudged you gently towards Venti, saying his 'good-byes' before taking off.

You looked over at Venti, seeing the boy pouting. You smiled. "What's wrong?" He opened his arms, wanting a hug. You, being a hugger, immediately made your way over to hug him.

"You gave him more attention." He whined, laying his head on your shoulder. You rubbed his back. "Well, I'm giving you attention now!" You pinned him against the grass, tickling him.

Both of you played around on the grass, rolling around, and getting dirt all over your clothes. "We should get going. I want you to meet the rest in Mondstadt." He got up and helped you up. Venti held your hand as he walked back to the city. He's excited to introduce you to the friends he made.

You noticed how cold his hands were and held them tighter. You wouldn't want his hand cold now, would you? Before you knew it, the two of you were already in front of the gates. Venti waved at the two guards and pulled you along inside.

"We're going to meet Diluc first!" You nodded. You don't know who this Diluc is, but you did know that he helped Venti save Dvalin. Venti led you to Angel's Share, opening the door for you, and walked in after.

The smell of grape juice and other kinds of wine hit you. Although, you aren't much of a drinker since you preferred [Drink]. You want to stay sober. Who knows if someone or something will attack.

"Diluc!" Venti called. A long, red-haired man looked over from his grape juice. He spat his juice out when he noticed you. This time there's no juice from his nose.

"This is [Name]! Though you might know [Pronoun] as [Divine Name]." He whispered the last part to Diluc after making sure nobody else was near.

Diluc slowly nodded, looking over at you with an awkward look.

"Hello, Diluc." You smiled at the man. Diluc sent you a slow wave, not knowing what to say. Venti sat down at the island, patting the stool next to him. You quickly sat down, knowing how awkward it is.

Diluc cleared his throat, putting his grape juice down. "Would you guys like anything?" Venti smiled.

"Dandelion wine!" He cheered, adjusting his lyre on his lap.

"I'll have water," You don't know if they still have [Drink], so best if you get water for now. You'll ask Venti if they have it later. You'll ask Venti when the two of you leave.

Diluc nodded and turned around, getting an empty cup and a wine glass. Venti turned to you, about to say something when the door suddenly opened.

"Who's this?"

-. . .--

──── ✩original: 2020/12/29edit: 2022/11/09

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──── ✩
original: 2020/12/29
edit: 2022/11/09

no major changes during the meetings! just added/fixed some stuff.. and codes ;)
although because there are new characters, i will be having you meet them one way or another, hehe

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