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"Lumine.." Arter's smile twitched as he felt his braid being yanked back. His eyes closed in slight pain as he gripped onto the weapon in his hands harshly.


"Must you be so harsh on my hair?" Arter didn't know if he should stop the girl from hurting his scalp any further. The girl pulling on his braid scoffs, continuing to mess with the male's orange and golden hair. "I think I deserve to inflict some type of pain on you." She tightens the braid, securing it with a few twists before backing off.

Lumine walks around the god, observing her work before humming in delight and sitting in the chair in front of him. She snaps her fingers, silently ordering an Abyss servant to serve them something to drink. "What are you doing here, Arter? With a certain god(dess)'s weapon no less?" Lumine's eyebrow rose, staring down at the [Weapon] in the said man's grasp.

Arter let out an awkward laugh, feeling a drop of sweat slide down his cheek. "I stole it from Ilvonia and wanted to find you." He felt his heart race out of nervousness, not wanting to make the girl think he was a liar. He knew Lumine could be violent whenever she wanted to. She had a graceful way to fight her opponents whenever the two gods watched her do her missions.

Huffing, Lumine crossed her legs as she leaned back in her chair. "Knowing you, you most likely want something?" She muttered. Gods and their stupid deals, it was no wonder humans think the gods are as shameless as they are. As reliable as they are, you'll never know when these divine beings would betray a mortal like us.

"I wanted─" Arter was interrupted by a pyro Abyss mage floating in, carrying a tray with tea. The two sat in silence as they watched the shaking mage serve them tea. After pouring the intimidating duo their drink, the mage scurried away.

Arter felt more sweat form. He forces a smile, feeling his head burn.

"I wanted to know if I could join your forces." Arter tapped his foot quietly. He could feel a twinge of embarrassment. A god asking to join a lesser being's side? How absurd, if Ilvonia were to hear of this, what would she think?

Lumine narrowed her golden eyes at the man. A god would always want something out of a deal, so what does this minor god want? "Why should I team up with a god like you?" She grunted. She was not going to fall for a deal offered by a god another time!

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