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ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴏᴏᴄ (ʙɪᴅᴏᴜ)

ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴏᴏᴄ (ʙᴇɪᴅᴏᴜ)

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Aether stood in silence, his gaze staring off into the distance. The sound of the sea mellowed him out. [Name] and him had talked in the empty harbor, when the god(dess) finished speaking, he felt his heart break a little.

His own twin sister chose not to see him and instead went to the very god(dess) he journeyed with. Has he not done enough for her already? All those times he went off and almost got himself killed and she still doesn't want to meet face-to-face?

Just how many more days or months does he need to wait and suffer for Lumine to come back to him? All he ever wanted was his younger sister to come home.

"Aether!" A small voice called out to him. He turned to see Paimon looking at him with a concerned look on her face. "Paimon has been calling out your name!" She pouted, throwing her hands to her hips as she leaned closer to his face.

"Ah, sorry.. there's just been stuff on my mind." Aether gave her a smile, not wanting his most trusted companion to worry. The small girl crossed her arms. "If there's anything bother you, just know that Paimon is always here for you!" She puffed out her chest with a proud wide smile on her face.

Aether chuckled. Paimon has always been with him since the start of his journey, without her, he wonders how he would've survived mentally and emotionally. The traveler turned to look at [Name], seeing [Pronoun] approaching them with a slight smile.


You waved at them, feeling happy to see Aether in a slight better mood. "Good morning, Aether and Paimon!" You greeted, stopping in front of the duo. Paimon greeted you back, her hand waving frantically with excitement while Aether nodded at you.

"Zhongli and the others aren't coming?" Paimon tilted her head, looking behind you curiously. You shrugged in response. Zhongli had told you he was going to be busy with the funeral parlor, Ganyu had her secretary job to do, and Xiao is off slaying demons. "They're all busy, it's best not to bother them."

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