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You stretched your arms above your head, feeling the joints in your back pop with a satisfying crack.

It was sunny outside, so you decided to go outside after leaving a note for Venti in the room. You walked into the plaza, seeing people buying ingredients from the shops near the fountain.

What caught your eye was a girl with long black hair in pigtails with a purple witch hat. She wore a purple and black leotard with gold lining and wore gold compass ornaments at the end of her pigtails.

Whoever she is, you hope the girl likes astrology since her outfit and color palette certainly reminds you of the stars. If only you were awake back then, you probably would've given some humans the power of Astro.

After (being a creep) watching her grumble at her money pouch, you decided to go up to her to introduce yourself. Also hopefully get along with her.

"Hello, my name is.. [Name]." You smiled awkwardly, feeling a bit odd when she turned to stare at you. The two of you stood there staring at each other for what felt like hours until her green eyes sparkled with joy.

"My name is Mona! You must be-" The girl, Mona, stopped to look around before quickly taking your wrist and dragging you towards what you think is towards her house.

Mona swiftly unlocks the door before swinging it open, leading you inside and letting you close the door since you walked in after.


"You must be the Astro God(dess)!" Mona spun around to look at you, beaming. You laughed nervously.

"What if I'm not?" Your violet eyes stared into her green ones. She smiled at you.

"My mentor always talked about the Astro [God/Goddess] during my studies. Of course, I didn't believe her the first time, but after a while of researching I started to believe." Mona held back her squeals, squishing her cheeks to help conceal it.

"One thing that every Astrologists knows about the Astro God(dess) is that [Pronoun] eyes have a constellation in the pupils." Mona gestured towards your eyes. You were a bit surprised some accurate information about you were even alive.

"I admire you so much! You have no idea how special meeting you is! It's like a once in a lifetime event." She continued to ramble, her voice a higher pitch to show how excited she is.

You laughed, "I'm happy to hear that, Mona." The Astrologist gasped and rushed towards you.

"Please, if you could, teach me a few lessons!" Mona asked. "Although, I might've already learned all of the spells and stuff already, I'd rather hear it from you." She gushed.

Astro | → 𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖓 𝖎𝖒𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖙Where stories live. Discover now