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"Who's this?" Kaeya asked. Since most of the readers think it's him, it will be him. Venti spun around, happily linking arms with you when you also turned to look over.

"[Divine Name], the Astro God(dess)! We've talked about [Pronoun] before." Kaeya looks at you with a mischievous glint.

"Oh? Nice to meet you. I'm Kaeya." He extended his hand out towards you, expecting a handshake. Unfortunately for him, you never greeted someone with a handshake, so you don't know why he's holding out his hand.

"Call me [Name]." You said instead of shaking his hand. Kaeya continued to hold his hand out, his flirtatious smile still plastered on his face.

Venti gladly took Kaeya's hand and shook it. He thought that if you saw it, you would know that it's a greeting. He wanted to show you what the present time has, and you were a behind on most of the things going on.

Venti turned to look at you, giving you the eyes. You guess he meant that this is a greeting thing. Oh well. Venti backed up from Kaeya, returning to your side.

"What are you doing here?" Diluc gave Kaeya a nasty look, not really pleased to see the Cryo user. Kaeya proceeded to do a catwalk over to a stool, sitting and propping his head up like some rich person.

"I know you missed me." He stuck his tongue out at him. Diluc rolled his eyes, going back to getting Venti's dandelion wine and your water. Kaeya snickers.

Kaeya turns to face Venti. "Have you shown [Pronoun] around yet?" Venti sweats.

"Maybe?" Venti awkwardly smiles. You let out a sigh. You barely remember what most of Mondstadt looks like before you decided to sleep again. What you do remember is the Barbatos Statue at the Cathedral.

Kaeya hums, now looking at you instead of Venti. He was about to say something when Diluc gives you a cup of water.

"Thank you." You carefully took the cup of water from Diluc's hand. Your violet eyes watched as Kaeya and Diluc started to argue about their favorite drink. Kaeya telling everyone Diluc will stay single because of how unromantic he is.

Venti then joined in on their conversation when they started talking about wine. You smiled at how childish he is. His personality hasn't changed. You were very grateful to him, seeing how he never left you at all and stayed.

The door opened again. This time with more people with their weapons at their sides or tucked under their armpit. Three ladies, a boy, and whatever is floating right next to the boy. Kaeya turned to them, greeting them with a smirk.

"I see you're all finally here." The woman with purple clothes walked over towards you. You got flustered when she suddenly got up in your face. "Those eyes.. they're beautiful." Why are the women so hot? Every single one you've met always got you blushing. Whether you liked it or not, Venti popped in between you two. He didn't like how close Lisa was getting.

He pivoted to look at Lisa. "Hello, Lisa! This is my crrrr-best friend [Name]!" You aren't oblivious to his crush on you. It's obvious how he acts around you.

I'm sorry, Venti. You placed your empty cup down on the island. You took note of everyone's names as they called out to each other. What's up with people repeating a person's name more than once?

It's a bit annoying, but you aren't going to say anything.

"Diluc, bring in the wine!" Venti cheered, his arm was hooked around Aether's neck and rested on his shoulder. Diluc groaned.

"Do you even have the Mora?" Diluc glared at the shrinking bard. Venti lets out a small 'no.'

Diluc sighs and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Fine, since you brought a new person in, and apparently they're a God(dess).. I'll let you off by saying it's a welcome celebration."

Kaeya snorted, crossing his arms, and leaned against the wall. "Being generous now, are we?"

Kaeya's face was then met with an empty barrel. A gift from Diluc. You quietly laughed, not too loud for others to hear. You looked around, studying their clothing and trying to find their Visions.

You made them, but you wanted to see what type of Vision they have. You listed them down until you got to one that doesn't have a Vision.

"Venti," You called, trying to get his attention. You swore that he got whiplash when he turned to look at you.

"Yes?" He smiled. You motioned him over. Venti happily hopped towards you, tilting his head.

"Who is the person that doesn't have a Vision?" You asked, glancing at the blonde male with a familiar flying companion.

"Oh! That's Aether, an outlander. He came from another world apparently, and he's looking for his sister." Venti hummed, looking at you with curious aqua eyes.

"I see.." You spaced out, and Venti took it as a sign to go back to do whatever he was doing. As much as he wants to spend more time with you, it looks like you still need a little bit of time to get used to everything.

An outlander, huh? Perhaps you can help out once you get your full power. You sighed, smiling as you watched everyone mess around. You especially like how energetic the Amber girl is.

"[Miss/Mister/Mx] [Name]! Come join us!" Amber gave you a contagious smile. You smiled a little wider, getting up, and walking over. You stopped when you got to Jean, Lisa, and Amber. The three girls were doing '20 Questions.'

They already seem close. You don't understand why they're playing that game.

"We want to know if you want to play 20 Questions with us." Amber sat down, patting the unoccupied stool next to her. You sat down, neatly placing your hands on your lap.

"How about you ask a question first," Amber beamed. Why not start with the most basic one?

"Do any of you like someone at the moment?" You gave the three flustered girls a devious smile.

"N-no." Jean coughed. You smirked when you noticed her glancing at [Whoever In the Room You Ship Her With]. Amber fidgeted in her spot, not knowing what to say.

You and Lisa giggled. "I don't have a crush," Lisa answered.

You knew that was (a) [True/Lie].

"What about you? Do you like anyone?" Lisa turned to you, giving you very scary vibes with her devious look.

.-.. .. --. .... - .-.-.-

──── ✩hey hey hey! sorry i haven't updated in a long timeI've been procrastinating and putting this story off for a whilethank you for worrying <3ALSO GOT GANYU THROUGH PITY BC I WANTED TO SPITE MY FRIEND WHO WANTED HER BUT GOT ALBEDOmay the RNGes...

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──── ✩
hey hey hey! sorry i haven't updated in a long time
I've been procrastinating and putting this story off for a while
thank you for worrying <3
may the RNGesus give all the readers luck
i hope everyone is doing okay :>
it may take a while for the next chapter, considering i have a lot of projects
:') ty all for waiting

original: 2021/01/15
edit: 2022/11/12

still no major changes!!

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