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A petite figure gently strummed the lyre in his hand, smiling softly at the beautiful melody it let out. The bard was standing in front of the large tree in Windrise, the tree that represents his old friend.

I wonder how you're doing, [Name]. He sighed. Eventually, the song came to a stop and the boy looked up at the starry sky.

Enough moping around, Venti! Venti puffed his cheeks out, shaking his head. He hadn't drank a single bottle yet, knowing that the day the person he's waiting for is coming closer now.

How long he yearned to hug [Pronoun] and to hold hands with [Pronoun] again. He misses those times where he would just lay on the grass with his friend and stargaze.

Venti sucked in a deep breath. It's about time he heads back to Mondstadt, the city of freedom. He held his lyre closely, walking towards the city and quietly pass the silent hilichurl camps.

The Wind Archon had a bitter smile on his face. Tonight wasn't it. He will need to wait a couple of more days until the one he longs for awakens again.

Venti couldn't wait to tell [Pronoun] all about the people he's befriended and met throughout the time he's been waiting.

If only he was stronger back then. Maybe his friends wouldn't have left him alone wandering. Perhaps he could meet them all again if reincarnation really was real?

Venti chuckled. No way would he be able to see some of them again.

Before he knew it, the bard was already in the bright lit city. Although not a lot of citizens were awake, a few were still bustling around either finally going home, out drinking, or whatever they're doing.

Venti made his way over the inn he was staying in. The landlord was an old man who forgot about the room Venti took. So the bard took the opportunity to take the room as his own.

Venti quickly changed out of his dirty clothes into something more comfortable to sleep in. He fell back onto his bed, arms out to form a 'T.' Hopefully tomorrow will be the day or night [Pronoun] will come back. Rolling to his side, he stared out the window to stare at the crescent moon.

I miss you, [(Nick)name]. Venti pulled the blankets over his body, shifting around until it almost covered his eyes. After a while of staring at the moon, Venti slowly drifted into a dreamless sleep.


A figure with white hair stalked towards the direction of Mondstadt, his head covered by a custom made head ornament that swayed with the wind. In his arms was a dirtied book with a faded purple color, matching the purple on his garbs.

Traveling from the desert sand to grassy fields on foot, Cyno could feel the dryness from the sole of his foot begin to slowly vanish from the wet grounds.

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