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"We need to find our own inspiration. Sometimes, it is not easy."
- Kiki's Delivery Service

"                                           - Kiki's Delivery Service

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-.-. .- .-.. .-.. .. -. --.

ᴛᴡ: ɪʟɴᴄᴇ, ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ

You never intervened in human affairs. Just like when the nameless bard, with the wind spirit, started a rebellion against Dacarbian.

You just sat there, watching as the bard was killed in the rebellion and watched as the spirit challenged the Anemo Archon and how Dacarbian was defeated. Mondstadt's 'tyrant' has now fallen.

Foolish of Dacarbian to love those humans when all they wanted was power. You watched as nobles laughed at the poor after Dacarbian's fall.

You remembered how the spirit took the form of the nameless bard before naming himself, Venti.

"You're still watching those arrogant mortals?" ---- scoffed, her glowing eyes glared at the floating cube in front of you.

You smiled at her, "----, it's so good to see you out of your room." The female god rolled her [Orange/Yellow] eyes, crossing her arms.

"I decided to see what you were up to."

Aww, how cute.

"I may as well allow this Venti to be the Anemo Archon now." Your violet eyes glowed a soft [Color] outline, the usually small [Zodiac] constellation in your pupil dilated. The Gnosis that once belonged to Decarabian now belongs to Venti.

Blinking, the glow and dilation of your constellation went back to normal.

"Hey, ----, do you think a human would be able to kill us born in Celestia?" You turned to the Goddess, wonder sparkling in your eyes. Curiosity filled your entire being. If this small wind spirit was able to overthrow an entire kingdom, does that mean there's a possibility mortals would be able to as well?

---- laughed, "who gave you that thought? Nobody can kill us."

You shrugged, "I can still feel pain, so it's just a thought. I wonder if humans would be able to kill a being born in Celestia."

Your friend glared as she looked at the distance. "Perhaps.. greedy Gods." You looked at her confused before cubes formed around her and she disappeared.

Loud, angry voices echoed in the cathedral you were in. Your violet eyes widened, looking back towards the large doors as the cube in your hand pixelated away.

"[Divine Name]!" A small spirit flew towards you, a small glowing blob. It floated above your outstretched hand, it's beady eyes wide and unblinking.

"The Gods are coming for you! They no longer want to be able to get Visions and Gnosis with your power." The round spirit shrieked, their transparent wings flapping frantically.

You felt your heart pound. Why would they want to get rid of you? You're the source of power! After everything you have provided for them, they've decided to turn their backs on you?

What have you done to deserve this?


The large double doors were soon kicked down to the tiled floor. Many of the divine beings ran towards you with energy-powered up in their palms or weapons.

For the first time, you felt scared. The Gods were here to kill you.. for what? For power?

Without you, the number of Visions stocked up in your storage won't have any power unless the Seven Archons and you give it to someone.

You screamed in pain, but the sharp pain just felt numb after the countless kicks, hits, stabs..

The Gods continued to trample over you, stomping, kicking, using their spells against you. Spells you helped create.

Your entire being hurt, burned, but what hurt the most was the fact that these gods used to be your friends. Friends that you watched grow up and trained with. Beings that you helped raise from when they were a weak god.

And the fact that ---- had abandoned you to die.



How long has it been since then?

You can't remember.

Years? Centuries? You couldn't feel anything.

You groaned, laying underneath a large tree root in a pool of blood.

You felt drained, dirty, your silky, [Color] hair was tangled and matted with dirt and dried blood. Dead leaves and mud were stuck in the roots of your hair, the dry feeling of your skin from not washing the stuff off.

Pathetic. Now I'm in control of the stars.

..-. --- .-.

──── ✩original: 2020/12/21revised: 2022/10/3

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──── ✩
original: 2020/12/21
revised: 2022/10/3

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