[ epilogue. ]

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{__} = Either 6, 7, 8, or 9 depending on which server you chose to play on

{__} = Either 6, 7, 8, or 9 depending on which server you chose to play on

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A petite figure sat on the edge of the cliff, their legs swinging off the edge

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A petite figure sat on the edge of the cliff, their legs swinging off the edge. A lyre rested on the floor next to them, fingers close to touching the musical instrument.

"I'm sorry."

Continued to echo in their mind. Constantly coming into his head like a fresh breeze. Who is sorry?

The mourning doves cried as they stared down at the poor soul. They eagerly waited for something. Or was it someone?

The Anemo Archon can not remember. No matter how hard he tries to recall, he only meets with a familiar blonde.

"Traveler, we meet again! What? You don't remember me? Ahaha, well, allow me to join you on your quest once again. I must see to it that the bards of the world tell the Traveler's tales!"

He wasn't sure why Lumine seemed familiar. Perhaps it was the golden hair and orbs that led him to believe they were friends. The only thing he remembers doing when trying to decipher who apologized, was an Outlander.

To say he was confused why Lumine didn't remember him when he clearly remembered traveling with one who looks similar to her has greatly confused him.

Just who is Lumine? Why is he so attached to the Traveler and feel the need to protect them?

"No matter where you are, Teyvat will always have a place for you."

Venti could only wonder to whom those words were meant to. He wonders why he feels more depressed than usual after meeting Lumine again.

Again? What was their first meeting like again?

He doesn't remember. He couldn't remember.

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