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"How can you move forward when you keep regretting the past?"
Fullmetal Alchemist

"How can you move forward when you keep regretting the past?"↳ Fullmetal Alchemist

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1600 years went by.
You're obviously still alive since you're a God.

You groaned, tossing around the bed.
Bed? Oh, someone found you laying in a pool of blood.

You can recall a feminine figure, long red hair with what looks like a short braid at the back of her head rushing over.

[ No, the person is not Aether. Just wanted to clarify that as many people thought it was him. The person is Vennessa. ]

You weakly shifted your elbows back, using them to boost yourself up in a sitting position.

You scanned the area, noticing a small desk with a lamp beside you, bookshelves, and arched stained glass windows with white curtains.

Lifting your hand, your fingers brushed through your hair. Clean, [silky/fluffy] [Color] hair.

Someone had washed you.

Freaked out, you threw the blankets onto your legs and checked your attire. You were wearing a [Color] [T-Shirt/Dress] that reached your [Place], with black shorts [underneath].

You quickly looked around to look for what you wore before, then realizing that the person who saved you is probably washing and sewing it back together.

Before you could get out of bed, the door opens. A slightly tan girl with bright red hair and golden eyes walked in with neatly folded clothes in her arms.

 A slightly tan girl with bright red hair and golden eyes walked in with neatly folded clothes in her arms

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"Oh! You're awake." She smiled. You watched as she walked over and sets the folded clothes on the desk next to you before taking a stool and sitting down.

"You were awake for a few days after I found you." She said.

"I'm Vennessa, the Grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius." Vennessa's golden hues stared into your violent ones.

"You are?" You narrowed your eyes, trying to find any malicious intent. When you didn't, your lips curled up slightly.

"I'm [Name]." You both stared at each other in silence until Vennessa gave you a smile.

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