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"Amber wants us to meet them later in Angel's Share at midnight," Jean watched as Lisa took a sip of her tea. The librarian hummed, the electro user felt satisfaction creeping up on her at the thought of knowing what was the book's contents.

"She said Venti decided to talk to us about the book you received." Jean smiled at her friend, gently picking up the cup and drinking the tea.

"Good, I didn't want to be left in the dark. That book could've important." Lisa nodded with a small grin, placing her cup down. The woman was only able to skim through a few pages and was excited to study more with the others until a certain Anemo boy had it burned.

"Where do you think that book even came from anyway?" Jean mused, resting her chin on her palm. She didn't really think much about the book Lisa found, if anything she just wasn't interested until Venti started acting weird.

"Cyno reported that he found them in a ruins of a temple he was investigating in." Lisa muttered, her fingertips tapping against the table. Jean looked at her, questions forming in her head.

"Does he know what the book is about?"

"He only said that it was about the Astro God(dess)." She grumbled, disappointment laced in her tone. There could've been useful information in that book and Cyno puzzled together. As a librarian, it made her upset that Venti told Diluc to burn a book.

A very old book too, which could've contained details about new things or forgotten ones. How did the last librarians not find this book? Then again, it was hidden pretty well.

"Is the General Mahamatra still around?"

Lisa shook her head. "He had long since left the city in pursuit of bandits. Apparently there's something going on in the black market that he needs to investigate in the desert."

The two sat in silence, sipping their tea.

"I guess we'll just need to wait a few more hours," Jean sighed. Lisa stared at her reflection in her tea, quietly agreeing with what Jean said.

Jean looked out the window, the moon rising to the point where it is almost midnight. The Fatui had been acting strange lately, Amber had told her there was a man with them at the fountain. The brunette had told her about Venti shouting at him as well, making Jean think about how he hasn't shown himself in Mondstadt that often anymore.

Trying to get her mind off of it, Jean took her cup of tea and drank the last drop, gently placing it back down on top of the saucer*.


Venti walked into Angel's Share, silently walking over to sit at the island in front of the working redhead.

"Hello, Diluc," Venti greeted, resting his arms on the table. Diluc looked up at him, greeting him back with a quick nod as he drank his grape juice.

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