Cptn.Y # 18

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(Y/N'S P.O.V)

"My friend, I didn't saw you yesterday"

Mia greeted me with a smile. I placed my bag in my seat beside her.

"You are already finished on our project?!" She asked shocked.

"Of course" I answered with a smile before giving her a flick on her forehead.

"I am just halfway on mine and you, you have already yours and the deadline was 3 weeks after" She exclaimed and tried to get my plates but I slapped her hand away.

"It's not my fault that your lazy ass are not doing anything" I glared at her before slumping on my seat.

"Oh k, just let me see your project" She stated while trying to reach for it again but I moved it away from her.

"No, you can't. I don't want your filthy hands on my masterpiece so behave" I said while pointing at her the rolled paper I am holding.

"Okay, geez. No need to insult me, dumbass" I just shook my head at her and looked at the front, waiting for our professor to appear.


"Wa-wait Y/n!"

Someone shouted my name so I turned my head to look behind at the latter. She ran toward me and I saw that she was holding a box. I turned my whole body completely in her direction to face her properly.

"Yes? What is it?" I asked her politely and showed my charming smile which I guess made her blush.

"A-ah h-here I want t-to give you so-some cupca-cakes that I b-baked" She said as she was handling me the box I saw that she was holding. Oh, how sweet, she even baked for me. I nodded and smiled before accepting it.

I looked at her that she was waiting for me to taste it so I opened the box to get a one. I am holding the box on my other hand while my other hand is holding one cupcake.

"Oh, let me help you so you could taste it" She reached for the box on my hand as I thanked her for helping me.

I removed the paper under the cupcake so I could take a bite. I took a bite and chewed it. It was actually delicious and it is chocolate. I love chocolates.

I smiled at her while nodding my head. She laughed that made my eyebrows crease together as I looked at her confused.

"You have chocolates on your teeth" She pointed as I instantly try to sweep it out from my teeth using my tongue.

"Thank you, I didn't know that I am messy when eating" I laughed as she nodded her head in agreement.

"Yes, you're right. You still have some on the side of your lips" She said before leaning forward to me so she could wipe it off.

I just stood there in my spot, not knowing what to do. I watched her getting too close to me as she was about to touch my lips with the tip of her finger, someone shouted that made me nervous.

"Jagi!" Jeongyeon shouted as I heard a steps that is running getting closer and closer. The girl that was only inches away from me lifted her head to look at the latter.

My shoulder was shoved by someone that caused me to twirl my body around. I saw my girlfriend who was already giving me deadly eyes. I gulped at her sight as I don't know what to do anymore.

"Oh hello captain Yoo" I heard her say with excitement laced on her voice.

"Hi, what are you two doing?" She asked without looking at her as she was continuing on scaring the shit out of me.

"I gave her cupcakes that I baked for her" She answered happily as the latter in front of me nodded her head as soon as she received the answer.

"Then why are you two so close to each other?" She questioned and I looked behind her to see Sana who were trying to hide her laughs as her cheeks are getting flushed.

I signaled her to help me with my eyes but she just stuck her tongue out on me. This squirrel. I glared at her before looking at the girl in front of me who didn't remove her gaze away from me.

"Ah~ I'll just wipe the icing off that was on the side on Y/n's lips" She responded.

"Are you sure?" She said with her deep voice as I can feel that I can already piss on my pants now.

"Y-yeah, th-there's nothing e-else" I stammered that I already want to smack myself for being a baby in front of my girlfriend. I saw that she glanced on my lips where the icing is before a smirk formed on her lips.

"Okay, I'll do it" She said before taking my chin between her fingers as she leaned forward, close to my face. I gasped when I felt her tongue on my lips, she licked the chocolate icing before backing away.

I can feel that my ears are getting red now, it always happen when I am flustered or embarrassed. I glanced at Sana who also have her eyes widen as I heard the girl beside me gasped and squealed.

"It tastes sweet" She smiled seductively at me as I just looked down at my feet. I peeked on the girl and saw that she was having her face red.


"U-uh you two look great and here is my present for you" She said before extending the box at me again as she run away.

"What the fuck, Jeongyeon?! You surprised me and I didn't know that you two were already a thing!" Sana shrieked and slapped our arms repeatedly.

"O my gosh, you really did it, Jeong. It's unexpected, ah!" She exclaimed while pointing at my lips.

I looked at Jeongyeon who I think was already done with Sana. She have her eyebrows furrowed while staring at her bestfriend as the squirrel just continued squealing and jumping. I smiled and just shook my head because of the both girls' cuteness

Captain Yoo - Y.JY FFWhere stories live. Discover now