Cptn.Y # 21

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What the hell is that chipmunk girl doing here at Y/n's house.

"Hey Y/n!" She greeted happily with a big smile before tackling Y/n on a hug. She put her chin over her shoulder and the two of us made an eye contact.

I noticed that her smile faltered when she saw me sitting here at Y/n's bed but I just remained on my poker face.

"Hey, Jeongyeon!" She waved at me and smiled but I know that it is only forced, her eyes are telling me.

"Chaeyoung-ah, this is a sudden visit, huh. Why are you doing here, by the way?" I heard Y/n said as Rosé hugs her tighter than before.

I just looked around the room as I was listening on their conversation.

It is just simple, gray walls and I noticed that there is many drawings inside. Some are on attached on the wall and others are on the table.

There is also paintings, decorated in the walls, giving more life to the gray walls that is around the room.

"My mother have a friend that lives here at this subdivision and it invited us because it's her birthday. We were about to go home but I said that I will give some visit here, so here I am" The Aussie narrated and I brought my gaze back at them two.

Y/n pulled away from the hug and ruffled her friend's hair.

"Y/n! Dinner's ready!" I heard her mom shouted from downstairs.

"Okay!" She yelled back before looking at me "Jeongyeon, let's go downstairs and you too Rosé" She went ahead to us first, Rosé glanced back at me before giving a tight smile and eventually followed her downstairs.

I rolled my eyes after she disappeared.

"It's obvious that she likes Y/n" I groaned before rising up from bed and dusted my clothes off.

I also went downstairs too, headed onto the kitchen where also the dining table are, where all have gathered.

"Hello there pretty lady" A manly voice spoke when I made my entry which made me startle. I faced him before bowing to show respect.

"Hello Mr. Lee" I smiled as he also reciprocated it. Mama Lee placed a plate on the table and also take a seat in left side of her husband.

"Come on, join us here. Take a sit" He said so I did what he told me to. I am beside Y/n as she gestured me to sit there.

"Let's pray before eating" Mrs. Lee suggested so we all lowered down our heads as she lead the prayer to thank for all the meal we are having for tonight.

"We can dig in now" She declared after finishing her prayers. "Eat many as you can"

We started to dig in the foods and Mrs. Lee kept giving foods, making my plate full.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" He wiped the side of his mouth while looking at me.

"Yoo Jeongyeon, mister" I politely answered while my lips carved into a sweet smile.

"Honey, she's Jeongyeon, Y/n's girlfriend" Mrs. Lee said while holding onto her husband's wife.

"Oh~ I see but be careful of my daughter, she's a playgirl" He said while playfully glaring at me.

"Yah! Don't make my name dirty!" Y/n complained and shot him a glare.

"But it's true, my child so don't argue your father about that!" Her mother chided at her making her pout.

"Right, Jeongyeon! Be careful at that girl, you don't know her that much and her secrets, maybe someday you'll know that she was just playing you" Rosé chimed in, making me roll my eyes internally.

I just remained emotionless and glanced at Y/n who were looking at her friend with this weird expression.

Is there something going on between that two?

Is she's hiding anything that involves me?

Is she really just playing me like what Rosé said?

I have so many question on my head but I just shrugged it off because I know that I can trust her, so I will trust her with all my might.

"Don't worry, I'll be attentive and be careful at Y/n. I trust her so I know that she wouldn't do that" I smiled at them before looking at Y/n who have her head lowered.

"You are so sweet and innocent, Honey~ If my daughter hurt you, I'll make sure to break her bones for hurting a woman like you" Her mother said, making me giggle.

"Mom, I am your daughter, remember" She furrowed her brows and looks at the older one with a pout. She's making herself cute in front of her parents but I guess it wouldn't work.

"I don't care, I can even throw you at a trash can" Her mom snapped sassily and grinned.

"I hate you, mom!"

"I hate you too, my daughter"

I hope they're okay.

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