Cptn.Y # 17

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(Y/N'S P.O.V)

I looked at Jeongyeon who were avoiding to look at me. I saw that she was fiddling at her fingers while looking down at her feet. I giggled a little cause I find it cute when she was acting nervous.

"Are you okay?" i break off the silence making her nod her head without looking at me. I pouted knowing that she wouldn't even spare a glance at me even when I'm already talking at her. I sighed and tear my eyes off her. I just tap my foot against the floor while staring at the front.

"The class will already start. Let's go, I'll escort you at your class" I said as I stood up from the bench where are we both sitting after looking at my watch. She lift her head up to look at me so I lend a hand for her. She first put the backpack straps over her shoulders before taking my hand. I pulled her up and let go of it afterwards. We started walking in the corridors to her classroom. She's a year ahead of me so we're not gonna be on a same class. She's a fourth year, the last year while me, on the third year. I am in an architecture course and I still have to study an additional five years to finish this course. Then, I could be already a licensed architect which I am dreaming for, since I was just a little kid.

I already have the talent of drawing since I am five years old. I started making simple drawing like the usual kids but eventually I got more excellent at it every time passed by. Me and Mia has the same course, we were both always loved drawing. We were bestfriends since I am nine when they moved in where we are. We both grow having a passion on chasing the dreams of being an architecture. We want that the two of us will be a successful architecture like a bestfriend goal. We were really both close to each other even we will be both jerk to each other, I still love her.

We stopped on a door and I could see the a ruckus were happening inside by the window. I am one hundred percent sure that the teacher were still not there.

"O my gosh, we were already graduating but they act like a grade 5 students" The girl who was beside me mumbled while saying who were staring at the windows. I laughed and patted her back which she reciprocated with a smile.

"We're already here, I will already go. Good luck at your classmates" I teased which earned a slap on my arm from her. I just smiled at her before dashing off to my classroom.


I saw a familiar figure exiting the gate making me smile. I run on her direction and stopped on her back.

"Hello" I said and I noticed that she flinched a little before facing me.

"What the-" She said before glaring at me which I just ignore and flashed her a smile.

"Captain, we don't have training for today, do we?" I asked, ignoring the fact that she's still glaring at me.

"No" She replied shortly which made my smile wider.

"Great" I said as I gripped on her wrists before dragging her.

"Yah, where are dragging me to?" She yelled but I decided to just shut my mouth. I didn't answer her so she was trying to remove my grasp on her which she didn't succeed to. She whined before sighing and just let me lead the way.


I am holding my skateboard while walking around here Ttukseom Han River Park while my other hand was holding her hand. We passed by my house to get my skateboard before here. My mother was not there, maybe buying groceries.

"It's good that today was Friday and the both of us were wearing our P.E uniforms" I said while looking at her and released her hand that I was holding . I plopped the skateboard down before setting my foot there and make a little and gentle push.

"I didn't expect that you can skateboard" She said while watching me skateboarding. I lift my head up to look at her and stop the board from moving by placing my foot down to the ground.

"Of course, I can but I am not a professional with it. Do you want to try?" I said while pointing at the skateboard. She pursed her lips before nodding her head slowly. I gestured for her to come closer so she did.

"First, you need to stand on the board properly" I said and held both of her hands, assisting her to stand in the board before slowly letting it go. When she got her balance, I move away from her a little.

"Try pushing it off gently with your other foot before placing it back again at the board" I instructed so she slightly pushed it with her left foot making it move forward and she put it back her foot back again, just like what I said.

"Do it again for a few times" I said while crossing my arms against my chest. She did the same move for a few times making me smile because she can cooperate with it in just a few tries.

"Let's learn another move" I said and walked closer to where she is now. I just said that I will borrow it so she got off of it.

"To turn to your right or left, just flex your ankles and your weight to turn" I stated before doing the move before stopping and hopping off. She marched to me before doing the same thing I did. I smiled that she just learned the basics for a short time.

We continued skateboarding while wondering at the park. I guess that she enjoyed this because she kept smiling all the time. We are taking turns on who will use the skateboard while the other one will just walk beside the other one. We saw someone selling ice cream so she dragged me to buy. Even it is just dirty ice cream, I can see that she was enjoying it so much that she immediately eat it when the seller gave it.

We sat on a grass so we could rest from strolling around and to eat our ice cream. I watched some kids that were playing while licking on my ice cream. When I am finished already on my ice cream, I turned my head at Jeongyeon to see that she was already staring at me.

"You have some ice cream on the side of your lips" She said while smiling which also made me smile. I lift my hand to wipe the side of my lips when a hand touched it to stop. I stared at her in confusion but she just pushed it down.

"I'll do it" She said before shuffling closer to me. I just watched her every moments. She placed her one hand on top of mine before leaning closer to me than she was already. She stared at my eyes before saying " You know I enjoyed this date a lot"

She gripped on my collar before pulling it so our noses could touch. She pulled it more and her lips collided on mine. I got shocked when our lips touched and she started moving it against mine.

I felt a tingling through my spine and butterflies erupted on my belly. I put my arms on her waist to pull her closer and started moving my lips in sync with her as soon as I recovered.

I saw that she closed her eyes so I also did the same, enjoying the first kiss we ever shared. I smiled between the kiss and leaned away slowly to catch my breath. I can feel my heart trying to break it's cage that I can already hear it.

I looked at her with wide eyes and she was just smiling at me. I didn't expect that we will share a kiss this sooner and she even was the one who did the first move.

"I like you too, Y/n" She said softly with a genuine smile formed on her lips. My lips subsconciously stretched into a wide smile as soon as I heard what she said.

"And I am already agreeing to be your girlfriend"

Captain Yoo - Y.JY FFWhere stories live. Discover now