Cptn.Y # 3

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(Y/N'S P.O.V)


I shouted when I saw her walking alone in the hallways. She just continue walking like she didn't heard me calling her. I sprinted to catch her and tapped her shoulder but she still didn't budge to look at me.

"Hey, are you upset on me? I'm sorry"

"No need to be sorry, it's only your luck." I pouted and glared at her.

"Okay, let's be friends?"

"No, why would I want to be friend with you?" She said looking ahead of us "We just know each other for a one day and you're trying to befriend immediately."

"Eh? Is it bad? I don't think so" I spoke and looked down at my feet.

"Just shut up and stay away from me" I did what she told and parted ways from her to my class because it is only 6 minutes left before the class started .


"Y/n/n, I'll treat you a lunch, just forgive me"

When I heard that, I nodded my head and hugged her waist. She shook her head in amusement and chuckled a bit. We we're on our way to the cafeteria to eat lunch and I'm ignoring her for not cheering for me yesterday. But when I heard what she offered to me, I can't seem to deny it because I love food, most importantly it is free. Who doesn't want a free food?

We stepped in the cafeteria together and join in the queue to buy our lunch. We choose our lunch and Mia paid for the both of us. While searching for a vacant table, someone waved a hand at me and saw that the four is on that table together.

I grabbed Mia and make our way to the table. I sat down beside Jennie while Mia sat down across me beside Jisoo. We putted our trays in the table and start eating while chatting. In the middle of our lunch, many students squealed and started screaming.

"Ey, the twice is already here"

"They always look like goddess"

And many-many more but I just continue eating, not taking my attention away from my food. Someone smacked my head and glanced at the culprit. I gave her a 'what-do-you-want' look and she just pointed at somewhere. I trailed where her finger was pointing and spat out the food in my mouth when I saw captain already staring at me.

"The hell, Y/n?" Mia asked while wiping the food I spat out on her.

"Are you alright? Here water." I grabbed it from Jennie and drank it in one gulp.

"Why? What happened?" Lisa asked worriedly.

"Mia just pointed her fingers to Jeongyeon and when she looked at the direction Mia pointing at, she suddenly spat out all the food she has in mouth" Jennie said nonchalantly and took a spoon of rice and eat it.

"What? You Y/n, huh, don't tell me your have a crush on that famous cold captain Yoo of this campus?" Jisoo said with a teasing smirk. I shook my head aggressively.

"Aw, denying it? Don't be shy and just admit it. We'll keep it as a secret, promise." Lisa said and the rest nodded their head in agreement. I groaned and smack head on the table.

"Okay, I'll admit that she's beautiful and she have a nice body" I spoke.

"I kne-" I cutted Mia off from speaking.

"But she's rude andd I just want to be friends with her which I think will be hard" They all sighed in disappointment and looked at me, still not believing what I just said.


"Okay, okay. Let's stop here and now that we're all finish on our lunch, let's play a game until the bell rang." We all nodded and start to focus on Jennie.

"Truth or dare" She said and placed a empty bottle on the middle of the table.

Captain Yoo - Y.JY FFWhere stories live. Discover now