Cptn.Y # 7

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"So let's order now and the three of you would be the one to order for being late" Jihyo said while pointing at three who was the last to arrive. Sana and Nayeon groaned while Y/n nodded with a smile and stood up from her seat.

"I'm gonna treat you all so tell me your orders" She said with a sweet smile while looking at all of us "You two don't need to accompany me, I'll just ask help at the waiters"

She dashed off to the counter after getting all of our orders.

Momo nudged me "You're lucky. She's giving us free foods, Jeong. I approve."

"Me too" Nayeon said and the rest of them nodded their heads in agreement.

"Tch. No way I'll date that idiot" I snickered and they just gave me a disapproving look on their faces.

"Right Jeongie" Sana said sarcastically "But I notice that Y/n kept staring at the cashier when we stepped inside the café that's why she agree on ordering for us"

When she said that, all of us looked at the counter where Y/n is. The two of them are chatting with a smile on their faces, the cashier went near Y/n and hugged her. She even gave her a peck on her cheeks. I feel something on my chest that is glowing while looking at them being sweet. I didn't notice that I'm literally glaring at the two of them and all of my members looked away from the two of them and avert their gazes onto me.

"Hey, maybe the cashier girl will be dead now because of the look that Jeongyeon unnie was giving her" I stopped looking at the two and glared at Dahyun. She raised both of her hands and gave me a sheepish smile of hers.

"Jeongyeon unnie is jealous, better get Y/n before she create chaos here" Chaeyoung said before running to the direction of Y/n. Mina patted my back with a teasing smile plastered on her face.

"What?" I asked her with my brows furrowed and she was just giving me a soft chuckles.

"Don't worry unnie, Y/n is into you so she'll never replace you with that girl" She stated with a smile and I just pouted.

"As well as you, Mina. I thought that you are the most sane in this group" I exclaimed and she just slap my cheeks softly.

"Jeongyeon unnie, the two of you will look good together so don't let her go" Tzuyu said while looking at me.

"Yeah, Tzuyu's right" Jihyo agreed while nodding her head.

"We'll be together if you and Sana will be both together first" I said while wiggling my eyebrows to them.

"Shut up, you yoostrich" She said with a stern voice and I just gave her a sweet smile.

"We're here" Chaeyoung said with Y/n on her back. They are both holding a tray with the drinks. They distribute it to us and sat back down at their seats. We just chatted while finishing our drinks.


"Bye wannie!" Y/n waved goodbye after giving her a hug. We all stepped out of the café while saying goodbyes to each other and started parting ways.

I started walking away and I'm going to a shop to buy the materials I need on my project. When Y/n ran and caught up with me, I glanced at her with my eyebrow raised.

"Where you're going?" She asked and clutching the straps of her backpack.

"An art supplies store" I answered and looking forward on our way with my poker face.

"Oh, I'll come with you" She said that makes me creased my eyebrows together.

"Why? You'll just bother me" I said frowning and she just shook her head.

"No, I need materials too for my project" She said smiling. She reached for my hand and intertwine it with her.

"What the f-"

"Shh, you're cold" She shushed me while holding my hand tighter making me warm. I glanced at our hands that was intertwined and smiled a little. My heart beats faster than normal. I looked back again in the front, I don't wanna to bump and trip especially that is Y/n who were leading the way to the store, I don't trust this idiot.

"So what project that you will do?" She asked without looking at me.

"A scrap book" I answered while wandering my eyes at the streets

"Oh okay" She said and the both of us went silent, just walking until we reach the mall where was the art store placed.

She let go of my hand when we are already in the front of the store. I frowned and got disappointed when she did.

"Let's meet here again after we bought the things we need. Maybe I'll get here first because I'm only taking a few foam board" She said before pushing the door open and the both of us went in.

I went at the sections of the papers and cardboards and take some material I might use. I moved on the coloring materials and take some I need. I went to the counter to pay for the things I took. I looked at the front of the entrance and saw Y/n waiting there, maybe playing with her phone on her hands and a pout that is formed on her face. I smiled a little before planning to approach her. I change the smile on my lips to a straight line before tapping her shoulder. She looked up and placed her phone at her pocket

"Finished already?" I nodded as she asked that question. "Good, so let's head home now"

We walked out of the mall before halting our steps. She faced me and pulled me into an embrace. I am too shocked at what she just did so I froze while her arms are around me. I sniffed her scent and she smell fucking good. I wrapped my arms around her slowly and became more comfortable on her arms. Butterflies erupted on my tummy as she leaned her head on my shoulder. She pull away a little while holding the both of sides of my head before planting a lingering kiss on my forehead. She released her hold on me before giving me a smile that can melt me. I felt my face heating up so I looked away from her so she couldn't see my red face. She laughed softly that makes my face redder than before because of the embarrassment.

"Goodbye Jeongyeon-ah. Have a good night" She said softly and I nodded my head, not bothering to look at her because I'm shy. We parted ways and I walked home with a wide smile plastered on my face despite at the embarrassment I felt earlier.

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