Cptn.Y # 16

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(Y/N"S P.O.V)

"Uh..Uh...." She's trying to form some words but she couldn't, she was speechless by what I said so I laughed at her cuteness. She punched my arm and I dramatically react when she did.

"Ouch, it hurts. Ah, fuck" I said while making a fake hurt face and I watched her reaction.

She looked so guilty and started to pull away from my embrace. She caressed my arms with a worried face and I couldn't help but stare at her and my heart beat in abnormal pace when I saw that she was really worried for me. She slowly lift her gaze from my arm to my face and our eyes got connected to each other.

"Y/n? You okay? I'm sorry if my punch hurts" She said and caressed the side of my face making me smile.

"Of course and no need to apologize. Let's go to your house already" I said and pulled her hand that was caressing on my face and intertwined it with mine. I grinned at her and start making our way to her house with our hands tangled to each other. We continued talking while walking side by side.

"We're already here so I guess it's already goodbye. Goodnight and be safe on your way" She said before stealing a kiss to my cheek and dashing off to enter her house.

I got stunned and frozen on my spot at her action. After a few seconds, my lips slowly formed into a wide smile and turned my back to start heading home.

I happily walked and jumped when I am on my way because of the happiness and excitement I'm feeling. I even yelled and squealed that some people who I passed by looked at me weirdly.


I'm walking towards the school with Mia beside me when someone shouted our names making our heads turn into the direction where the voice came from. She ran on our direction and tackled us into a hug making us two laugh.

"Why so energetic, Jennie?" Mia asked with her eyebrow raised making me nod in agreement. She released her hug at the two of us and looked at us with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, you're in a bad mood yesterday. What happened?" I questioned with a smile on my face radiating the smile on Jennie's face. I'm happy when my friend is happy, you know. But it depends.

"Lisa already answered me" She said while jumping a little on her spot.

"Huh? You were happy because she answered you on a text? Is she ghosting you?" I stopped bombarding questions when Mia smacked my head.I looked at her annoyed and the two just laughed.

"What are you even saying? You such an idiot! She means that Lisa already agreed to be her girlfriend" She said with a smile and Jennie nod her head in agreement.

"Ah okay, I already get it" I said nonchalantly before walking ahead at them but I halted on my steps when I just realized what she just said. I turned around to look at them to see that they are already looking back at me, already know what just hit me.

"Oh fuck, what did you just said?" I asked again in amusement and disbelief.

"I said that Jennie and Lisa are already an official couple" She explained making me run and hug Jennie so tight.

"Yah, I already knew it! Jenlisa is sailing, Mia!" I said and me and Mia high fived after pulling from the hug.

"C'mon let's go now and I know Jennie was already missing her girlfriend" I stated with a teasing smile that made me receive a punch on my arms. We start walking towards the school.

"Shut up, idiot" Jennie glared at me and punched me once again.

"Okay, stop that two. You two are so childish" The both of us look at her with a killing gaze so she looked away and laughed nervously.

"Repeat it again you dimw-" Jennie words were cut off when someone called me.

"YAH!Y/N!" I turned my head in the front and saw that Sana was heading to our direction with a Jeongyeon behind her, trying to pull her away.

I smiled and waved my hand at them. Sana pulled Jeongyeon with her and marched torwards me. I saw that Jeongyeon are trying to remove Sana's hold from her collar.

"Hi Y/n and also to you two!" She greeted us with a bright smile plastered on her face and we also returned the smile to her.

"We two will go ahead first. Bye idiot" Mia said and gave me a smirk before walking with Jennie.

"Fuck you, Mia!" I yelled and she just make a teasing face to piss me more.

"So what did the two of you do last night? And Jeongie here was so flustered" She asked cockily with a raised eyebrows. Jeongyeon slapped her arms but Sana just stuck her tongue out at her.

"Why don't you ask your bestfriend?" I suggested and chuckled a little while pointing at the ostrich behind her who glared at me. Sana turned her head to face Jeongyeon and smirk.

"Ah you're right. Why I didn't think of it. So Jeong, what happened last night?" She asked her taller bestfriend who was blushing because of the question.

"No-nothing. And wh-why would you ask something like that? It's not your business, sanake" Jeongyeon stuttered out but her face was still poker. Sana pouted and looked at me.

"Y/n tell me, let's leave the ostrich here" She said and took my arm. She was about to drag me when someone hold me on my other arm. It's Jeongyeon

"No~ don't you two dare leave me" She sternly said while glaring at the both of us.

"Ehh? We will go back here, don't worry. I just want to know what happened. Please" Sana begged with pleading eyes. So I avert my gaze at Jeongyeon.

"Hey, just let us. We promise that we two will go back after" I stated with a pout and she sighed and let my arm go.

"Okay. You two can go" She said which made the two of us smile and start walking away from her.

"But if you went with her Y/n and tell her what she's asking you, I'll not answer you. I am gonna reject you" She shouted with a threatening voice that made me halt on my steps. I turned around to see that she was about to turn around and also walk away.

"I'm sorry, Sana. Maybe she will be the one who'll tell you" I said before running after Jeongyeon.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Wait!" I shouted while catching up with her.

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