Cptn.Y # 19

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(Y/N'S P.O.V)

"Let's go at the canteen and eat lunch now" I said to the two of them.

"Right, let's go lovebirds" Sana grabbed both of our arms and clung into it, making herself between us.

Jeongyeon sighed as her smaller girl walked happily while hopping, pulling us towards the cafeteria.

"You should join us at our table, c'mon" Sana stated while still clinging on both of us.

"You sure?" I asked, making sure of her idea.

"Yea, I am sure. They like you, you know, same with me" She winked at me, making me chuckle as Jeongyeon shove her face.

"Stop flirting at Y/n, Sanaa" Jeongyeon warned and pinched her in her side, making the japanese girl wince.

"Twatt huwtss, Jeongiee~" She whined cutely while pouting her lips.

"Tch" Jeongyeon scoffed.

We arrived at their usual table as I glanced at my friends and I signaled at Mia, who was looking at me, that I would eat with Twice as she nodded her head in response.

"Hello there, Y/n!" Dahyun greeted me as we reached the table and they pulled me to sit.

"Hi, Dahyun-ssi and to rest of you too" I reciprocated with a smile and placed the box of cupcakes down at the table. The present of the girl that I don't the name. They nodded her heads and went back into their own business.

"Do you want something? I'll buy a lunch" Jeongyeon asked me and pulled her wallet out of her pocket.

"Me? No need to buy me anything" I declined and shook my head. I have already a food in my front so there's no need to waste a money for another food.

"Then what are you eating?" She questioned once again with her eyebrows knitted together. I looked at the cupcakes and hold its both sides.

"This" I raised the present of the unknown girl "I will eat this cupcakes"

"Cupcakes? You'll eat a cupcake for your lunch?" She stared at me in disbelief. I set the food down again before looking at her.

"Yeppp" I replied shortly and smiled.

"Uhuh no, you can't eat that at this lunch. You need a proper meal" She wiggled her index finger, the same with her head while her gaze was still fixed on me.

"But, it's still a food and proper, there's nothing wrong with this food to be abnormal" I protested at her and pursed my lips.

"You really gonna eat that cupcakes that your fan made?" She really likes to interrogate me this time, huh?

"Of course, Jeong. Why not? And also it's my favorite, chocolates and this tastes delicious too" I reasoned out and removed the cover of the box.

"No, you wouldn't eat that! I'll just make like that for you" She shook her head vigorously, clearly not liking my ideo on eating a cupcake for my lunch.

"You know how to bake?" I asked in surprise. That's unexpected, hm.

"No, but I'll study how to make cupcakes to make it for you" She answered genuinely. Aye, I thought she really know how to but that's sweet, she'll study how to bake cupcakes just for me.

"Eh? it will go on waste if I didn't eat this. The girl's effort will be waste" I blurted out and scrunched my nose.

"No, it wouldn't and I will make better than her, don't worry" She snatched the box away from me which made me frown. It's the fourth time she said no to me. Really? Is she not getting tired of kept saying no?

"Yah! What will you do with that?" I tried to steal it back again but she pushed it into the direction of Momo.

"Momo, Y/n would like to give you some cupcakes. She know you would like it so here" She stated at the girl, making her smile before looking at me.

"Thanks Y/n! You are so sweet and of course the food you gave me is sweet just like you" I giggled and nodded my head even the thing that Jeongyeon said was a lie.

"Look, it didn't go to waste. Just sit there, I'll be getting us a food, a proper meal" She emphasized the last three words before rising up from her seat to go to the line already.

"It's glad to say that you two are already finished on arguing" A voice caught my attention so I looked at her and saw Mina eating a pice of pizza.

"She's just jealous" Sana nudged me on my side, making me yelp in surprise as she does it in surprise.

"Jealous? Why would be she jealous at the cupcakes?" I creased my eyebrows together while looking at her, curiously.

"Because she wants you to eat her, not that frosty thingy" I laughed at her statement as she got received a smack to her head from Mina.

"Pabo, your statement was wrong. You really, argh!" She smacked the older one at the head.

"Ow, not my fault. It's my brain and my brain is just a brain" She said innocently so I pinched her chubby cheeks.

"Hey, Sana! Stop being so cute" I complained and squeezed her cheeks using my fingers.

"Oh, Y/n just said that I'm cute! No one's really saying that to me and it's been a while I called that. My members really annoys me and keep calling me a sanake or snake even I don't have that ewwie scales" She ranted out, followed by her contagious giggles. I chuckled as Mina who just heard her ranting.

I let go of her cheeks when I noticed that it's getting red because of my pinching and also because I heard a sound of tray placed on my front.

"Here and why Sana's cheeks so red?" Jeongyeon sat on her earlier seat which is beside me.

"Maybe, Y/n's pinched my cheeks a little hard" Sana replied while shrugging her shoulders. Jeongyeon glanced at me with questioning look.

"What? She's just so cute, you can't blame me. Many is getting whipped at her because of her cuteness, Jeongyeonie" I reasoned out and pouted.

"Geez, okay even I disagree on your idea. Let's eat now, I'm hungry already and we don't have that much time, break's time is getting over" She poked my nose before picking up her chopsticks.

"I'd notice that Jeongyeon was being sweet and soft towards Y/n. Is there something's going on that we don't know?" Nayeon pointed out while looking at the two of us suspiciously.

"Hell yeah! Don't you know that they're already together?!" Sana shouted out with so much excitement and happiness laced on her voice.

Oh, right. I remember that they still didn't know about us two.

"Ah, okay" Nayeon said nonchalantly and went back on eating.

That's it? They're not surprised or something?

Nayeon immediately brought her eyes back at us but her eyes were wider than before. I looked around the table to see the same reaction with each other except for Sana and Jeongyeon who just face palmed.

Maybe they were already hit by the realization, their mouths are parted while staring at us who were mentioned on Sana's revelation. Me and Jeongyeon exchanged glances before we heard her members shouted in unison that boomed around the canteen.


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