Cptn.Y # 8

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(Y/N'S P.O.V)

The results of the exam are coming today and I don't care. I just waited here in my seats for the professor to arrive with Mia poking my cheeks repeatedly. I hold her wrist to stop her from doing it and glared at her.

"What do you want, Mia?" I asked grumpily and she gave me an apologetic smile.

"How's you and Jeongyeon?" She asked with a smirk and kept wiggling her brows. I carved a smile and shook my head.

"Oh my Mia, you're so annoying" I said while staring at her "But to answer your question I think we're good"

"Moving next level huh? I'm so proud of you Y/n/n" She exclaimed happily and gave me an envelope " I saw this at the top of your table when I arrive here and being me, I checked and read it"

"And why would you do that?" I asked loudly with my mouth parted.

"For your safety?" She replied back while scratching her nape.

"Idiot" I muttered but she still heard it because I received a pinch on my side.

"Oww" I whined while caressing the part she pinched.

"And I noticed that the writing is similar to Rosé's" My brows furrowed and glanced at her with a hint of confusion of my eyes as soon as she said it.

"Eh? Why would she give me a letter?" I asked while resting my face on my palm.

"And what kind of letter is it?" I asked once again.

"A love letter" I rubbed my eyebrows and tapped my fingers on my table.

"What? Why would she give me a love letter? That's bullshit, Mia. And how would you know Rosé's writing?" I bombarded to her while shaking her body.

"I...I borrowed her notes for the lesson I don't have" She answered and laughed awkwardly.

"Oh okay" I said while scratching the top of my head.

The door opened and our teacher stepped in with a papers on his hands.

"Okay class I'll give you the test papers back" He said and sat down on his chair before putting the papers down "It is already marked so just check it on the left top part of the paper."

She called our names one by one and gave their test paper back. As soon as she called my name, I stood up from my seat and walked to her table. I reached for the paper she's handing and went back to my seat.

"So how's your grade?" Mia asked while looking at hers.

"Great. 95/100." I answered nonchalantly making her gasp and slap my arm.

"How can you say that like it's nothing?!" She exclaimed that gets the attention of the whole room.

"Why, Ms. Jeon?" Mr. Li asked with a one brow raised.

"It's nothing sir, I apologize" She said bowing at Mr. Li with an awkward smile. I chuckled silently because of her dorkiness.

"What the fuck? Why you didn't help me when it's exam time?" I looked at her amused while pouting.

"Eh? Why would I? Don't tell me you didn't review when you're even the one who asked me to head home to study" I stated with a look of disbelief plastered on my face.

"Um..Sorry, I didn't study. I just played games on my console and watched mo-owww" She whined when I slapped her head hard.

"Fuck you, Mia" I spat out and pinched her side as she whimpered in pain.


"Lee and Jeon here!" Lisa shouted while waving her hands excitedly. I sprinted on her with Mia following on my back. I greet her with a hug and she ruffled my hair.

"Aw, how about me Y/n-nie?" Someone asked so I looked up and saw Rosé with a sweet smile on her face. I released from the hug I had with Lisa and wrapped my arms around Rosé as she laughed at what I did. I pulled out from the hug and stand back beside Mia.

"So will the two of you will join the party that one of the famous senior on the campus held?" Jennie asked with her arms crossed on her chest.

"What for?" Mia asked curiously.

"Because the marks on our exams are already given to us, we need to loosen up a little. So go to the party later" Jisoo said with a wide smile plastered on her face.

"Okay the two of us will come" I said and Mia nodded with a smile on her face.

"Do you know if Jeongyeon is coming?" I asked politely with a smile.

"I heard the Twice talking earlier and Jeongyeon declined on going to the party" My smile turned into a frown.

"Aw, Y/n/n is sad because her Jeongyeonie is not coming on the party" She said with a fake sad expression while patting my back softly.

"It's okay Y/n, you have us so don't be sad. You can see her again tomorrow" I nodded and carved a smile for them.

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