Cptn.Y # 5

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(Y/N'S P.O.V)

It's already two month has passed after the first day of school. I kept bothering and annoying Jeongyeon whenever I saw her. I was driving to my school with Amy because we're both lazy to walk our way to school for today. We're jamming on the songs in the radio while I'm driving. I went inside the school's parking lot and parked my car on a vacant spot.

We both get off the car as soon as I turned off the engine. I locked my car before going inside the school's campus. I was walking with my poker face and listening to the songs by the earphones I wore. I felt someone arm over my shoulder and glanced at the culprit.

"Good morning Y/n/n!" Rosé greeted me with so much energy and a sweet smile carved on her face.

"Good morning to you too, Chaeyoung-ah" I grinned when I saw the annoyed look on her face.

"Don't call me that. Since you discovered my full name, you kept calling me that." She whined with a pout on her face. I just stuck my tongue out at her and leave her grip before running fast ahead of her.

I sprinted on my lockers and opened it. A letters and chocolates are in there, I picked up some of the chocolates and ate it. Since I became the vice-captain of the varsity team on basketball and the news spread around that I won against the great captain Yoo, I gained a fame here on our school. I'm glad and appreciate who makes an effort to make a letter and to buy a chocolates or flowers for me.

I pushed my locker to close and got startled when I saw Rosé there with her back resting on the lockers. I held my chest because of my heart beating fast. I looked at her nervously and started taking steps backward.

"Where are you going, Y/n-nie~?" She said sweetly with a one brow raised "How dare you leave me?"

I swirled around to run for my life but now is not my luck. She caught me before I could even run and grinned at evilly. She pinched my ear before dragging me wherever she's dragging me to.


"I swear, Y/n, if you kept leaving your friend while walking, your ears will be gone because of the pinching you got" I talked to myself before massaging my red ears because of the pinching session I another got from Rosé.

"Are you that bored to talk to yourself, Y/n?" Mia said who was seating beside me while scratching something on her notebook "or you're just really a crazy woman"

I smacked her head and said "Just listen to the discussion of Mrs. Wang and take a note of whatever is it so I can copy a notes to you"

She let out a few chuckles before averting her focus on the front. I just watched the school's garden in this big windows whose beside me.

"That's all for today class, don't forget to pass your projects, the plates. Okay?" The professor reminded before walking out of the class. All of the students yelled yes and start arranging their things on the bag.

"So let's go home now. We still need to review for the exams tomorrow." I nodded and carried my bag over my shoulders.

"Can we take a stop at the starbucks before heading home?" I asked while walking out of the room with her.

"Of course, just treat me a coffee." She said with a smile.

"Yeah. Yeah" I said before opening the car as we are already at the place where my car was parked.

We both hopped in the car before driving off the parking lot. I opened my window same with Mia after turning off the AC of my car because it's windy outside. Mia choose a song over the radio and turned the volume up.

We are already in front of the starbuck, I searched for a free lot to park my car before going inside to order our drinks. I parked my car at the spot I found and got off the car, leaving Mia inside. I stepped inside the entrance and went in the line. I saw Jeongyeon so I decided to approach her.

"Ma'am that'll be 5,758 won please" I heard the cashier said and Jeongyeon place the 5,000 won she's holding on the counter before searching on her pockets and wallet.

"Shit, I don't have anything left on my pockets already and I left my card on the house" Jeongyeon mumbled so I decided to enter their conversation.

"Do you want to can-" I cut her off by handing my card to her.

"Use it to pay for her drink and please add two latte's for take out. Thank you" I said with a smile and she nodded before tapping my card and hand it to me back.

"What name you want to put in your cup, miss?" She asked holding a permanent marker with the cap.

"Just put Captain Yoo with a little heart please" I whispered on her and she did what I told.

"You could wait for your orders there. Thank you!" She said happily and I just bow my head a little and drag Jeongyeon to the waiting shed.

"Here. Take this money for my drink and I'll just give you the remaining when we meet again" She said reaching her money to me and I just shook my head as I pushed it back to her.

"No need. A thank you would be enough" I stated and carved a gentle smile for her.

"No, take it please" She pleaded and I got shocked by what she just said. Did she just say please to me? Am I hallucinating?

"Did you just say please to me?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, so take this" She said and I just shake my head again in disagreement.

"As much as I want to accept your money because I got shocked at what you just said, I still don't like to accept the money you're are offering me."

"And if you didn't stop arguing with me at this topic, I'll kiss you" I said as I saw that she was about to open her mouth but immediately closed it when she heard me.

"Order for Captain Yoo!" The waiter called out while holding a tray with drinks and placed it in the counter.

"Why the fuck would you tell that to name the drinks, Y/n?" She hissed as the both of walking near the waiter who called for us. I shrugged and pick up the two drinks while she grab the other one.

"You're not saying thank you?" She groaned before mumbling 'thank you' softly.

"You're welcome and goodbye Jeongyeon-ssi" I waved goodbye before sprinting at where my car was parked.

Captain Yoo - Y.JY FFWhere stories live. Discover now