Cptn.Y # 9

470 45 11

(Y/N'S P.O.V)

"Hey, where are you?!"

I winced in pain and remove my phone away from my ears because of the shouting Mia's giving me.

"Just wait you bitch. I am already on my way." I said before hanging up the call and placed my phone down.

I focused on driving while looking at the direction of the address that they said. I parked on a free spot when I arrived. I got off my car before locking it and went inside the mansion. I was welcomed by a noisy crowd and loud speakers. I can already smell the scent of alcohol and cigarettes. Many people are here, some of them I know because they are my classmates and the others are a varsity's player. Many are in the dancing floor, some are eating in the buffet, and there are also in the bar drinking alcohols. I can also see someone who's eating the faces of their partners, a couples of girls who grinding on the lap of the boys while making out. This party is really a mess.

"There you are Y/n!" I heard Mia's voice shouted so I looked at her direction. She's wearing some shorts and a T-shirt. She approached me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"Let's go to bar. The four is waiting for us." I nodded and let her drag me to the bar. We squeezed on the crowd so we can make it to the bar. The four waved at us and we went near them.

"Let's drink Y/n. Here, take this" I took it from her and drank it. I groaned when the drink went down to my throat. I feel like my throat was burning and it tastes bitter so I ate some lemon. I chugged another one and sat beside them. We talked and our table is filled with laughs. I just kept drinking while sitting and listening at their conversations.

"Um, hello Y/n" Someone guy greet me when he approached us on the table. I looked up from my phone to him. I carved a smile for him and raised a brow.

"What is it?" I asked politely and he looked away blushing while scratching his nape.

"Um- d-do you wa-want to dan-dance with me?" He stammered still looking away from me with his hands stuffed on his pockets. I chuckled softly on his shyness and stood up from my seat, putting my phone in my pockets.

"Of course, let's go" I grabbed his wrist before dragging him on the dance floor. He bowed at the five first before letting me to drag him away from the table.

"I'm glad that you agreed to dance with me" He said happily, the smile on his face got wider than before.

"Of course I would love to be asked to dance to someone and I saw that you're being shy so I admired you for doing an effort to ask me" I said with a smile and encircled my arms on his neck "It's no biggie, so let's dance now"

He put his arms around my waist before swaying with me. "So what's your name?" I asked while staring at his eyes.

"Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook" I nodded and pinched his cheek with my one hand.

"You looked like a bunny when you smile" I said making him blush and chuckled shyly "What year are you now?"

"Third" He replied shortly.

"So we're at the same year. How come that I have never see you even once?" I stated still swaying at music with him.

"We're in a different class so we couldn't see each other frequently and you're popular so you wouldn't notice me, I even gave a letter to you" He said.

"Oh that makes sense and I'm sorry if I didn't remember you" He just nodded.

We kept talking and laughing while dancing together. At least I met some admirer of mine tonight and a cute bunny. I am already tipsy by the alcohol that I drank earlier. He was saying something to me when I roamed my eyes on the place and I saw Jeongyeon on the second floor, resting her elbows at the railing. My eyes widen when our eyes connected to each other and she looked away when we held an eye contact. I looked back at Jungkook to chat with him a little while keeping my eyes at Jeongyeon later by later.

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