Cptn.Y # 14

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(Y/N'S P.O.V)

"Let's go, vice captain" She said sarcastically that made me sent her a glare.

We walked together to go in the gym. Our class already ended and we have again a training for today. We arrived in the gym and I already saw Jeongyeon sitting at the bench. I sprinted to her and sat down next to her. I carried her bag that occupying the space on the bench so I could sit. I am just looking at her while she's playing on her phone. She's so focused on the game she's playing that she didn't notice me beside her, sitting. I just stare at her, her eyebrows are furrowed, looking so serious.

"Ah fuck. I fucking lost." She cursed and turned her phone off. She looked at my direction where she placed her bag and got startled when she saw me.

"Shit. You startled me." She said and snatched the bag that is in my lap and place it to hers. She put her phone inside the pocket of her bag. She put her bag down at the floor. She leaned her back on the bench.

"I'm so tired. Can you cancel the training for today, Capt.?" I leaned my head on her shoulder that make her flinch a little.

"No." She shook her head. I wrapped my arms around her waist and snuggled my face on her neck.

"You smell good. I want to sleep here." I said as I sniffed her scent.

"If you want to sleep. You should no longer attend the training and go straight home." She said as she tried to break off my hug to her. I shook my head and held her closer.

"I want to see you so I went here even I just want to head home straight after the classes." I mumbled on the crook of her neck. My breathe hitting her skin.

"Ah stop. It tickles." She giggled a little and tried to remove my arms that's around her waist.

"Really?" I asked and start leaving soft kisses on her neck.

"Stop. There are many people that can see us." Trying her best to not let out a giggle because of my kisses.

"I don't care. Let them watch if they want." I said and she shoved my face away to stop me.

"Hey, you twit. Stop flirting." Mia shouted so I glared at her. Jeongyeon stood up from the bench and went in the middle of the court. She whistled that caught the attention of the players.

"Get ready. We're starting the training already." She shouted and all of the players went to the court.

Mia approached me and ruffled my hair " You are such a flirty bitch. Now, I know why you and Sana got along easily because you're both a snake, a flirt."

I just smacked her head "just go to your position and get ready already, you freaking brat."

"Okay, vice captain." She said sarcastically and ran off with a smirk on her face before I could hit her.


I went straight to the lockers. I get my towel and clothes and head to the shower. I let the water flow in my body and closed my eyes.

After taking a shower and wear a new set of clothes, I went out to the court and saw Mia with a wet hair. She already took a shower too.

"Hey bitch" She said while wrapping her arms around me and I smiled sarcastically at her. I did the same and smacked her head and pulled her ears.

"Owww" She whined and caress her ear.

"Don't you call me a bitch, Mia" I said while glaring at her cutely.

"Eh? Why are you glaring at me like that? Are you trying to act cute at me? Why? What do you want?" She bombarded me with questions nervously.

"Yes" I replied shortly.

"Uh what is it?" She asked with a raised brows.

"Just shut up" I said grumpily and she just cooed at me and continue teasing me.

"Uh trying to be a baby? Are you a baby? Do you want to sing you a song so you can sleep? Oh here rock-a-bye baby, have a fucking sweet dreams, when the wind blows, I'll let you fly aw-" I cut her off by throwing a towel on her face.

"Yah! Why so grumpy?" I just looked at her blankly.

"Ohhh someone's on period today. Do you want chocolate? Wait here, I can give you that can stop you from being grumpy" She said before walking away. I just looked at her confused but just shrugged it off. I played on my phone and focus on it.

Someone tap my shoulder making me annoyed "AH! GO AWAY! I DON"T WANT TO TALK TO YOU!"

"Oh sorry, I am just worried because Mia said that you're not in a mood so she said that I can help to calm you" Someone said behind me said softly and I felt guilty so I swirled around and pull her into an embrace.

"Sorry for being a jerk. I am not just really in the mood." I mumbled against her neck " but it's not right to shout especially to you"

She wrapped her arm around me too and patted my back. I release from the hug and make her sit beside me.

"I know you're already tired captain, here, lay down" I said while patting my lap and she hesitated but she still accept my offer. She lay down on my lap and I run my fingers through her hair. She shot her eyes close and smiled at me.

"Thank you" She said and I just hummed. I caressed her hair until she fell asleep. I already hear snoring so I hugged her and lay on the bench with her on top of me so her body will not ache when she woke up. I just open my phone and just continue playing my game with Jeongyeon on my arms.

Captain Yoo - Y.JY FFWhere stories live. Discover now