Cptn. Y # 23

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Christmas is coming and my parents are already home from abroad. I went down because our butler informed me that our dinner was already served and also that I need to go. After all, my parents want me to eat with them. And who I am to decline their orders, they're the boss here.

I kissed them on their cheeks when I went in and saw them sitting in their usual seats around the table. After doing it, I marched on my seat and placed a cloth on my lap.

"Let's eat first but after this, please don't go Jeongyeon, we have something to tell you" I hummed in response before picking up the utensils to start eating already.

The dinner was silent as always, just the clanking of the metals is the thing you can hear inside the diner room.

When I shoved the last scoop of my food, I settled the fork and spoon I used down at the plate. I chewed so I could swallow it. Once I'm finished, I reached for the glass of my water and drink it.

After drinking my water, I picked up the white cloth that was placed on my lap and used it to wipe the sides of my mouth. I waited patiently for them to finish and just sat on my spot silently watching them. I guess I could tell that they are about to finish it, that food on their plate was the evidence for it.

My father cleared his throat after placing the glass of water down on the table which made me look at him. The same with mother, her focus was away from her plate and to him now.

"You're getting married" He said with a serious expression as I got shocked at his statement. Huh? "I arranged you with the son of our business partner"

We stared at each other's eyes for more than ten seconds, I'm reading his expression to tell if he's lying or not. I'm expecting his lips to curve upwards but it didn't budge.

"A-are you s-serious, dad?" I questioned with a shaking voice, my heart is hammering inside my chest from how nervous I am right now.

He didn't move his head or open his mouth to speak so he could answer me. I blinked my eyes, again and again, feeling that this is all a dream.





"Yeobo, stop joking around" My mother said, before kicking his feet under the table. He cracked up after wincing in pain by the attack. I glared at him as I sighed out in relief.

"Okay, okay. Let me tell you what's I am telling you" Once he regained his composition, his left hand on the top of his stomach from laughing so much.

Fuck this old man, if I can just beat him up now for fooling me, I will.

"I have an old friend that I get to meet at the America"

I raised a brow at him as my ears were ready to listen to everything he'll tell me. "He gets to say what thing he's busy on, right now. He said that he's the new headmaster at one of the best schools in America that have a good facility of Basketball camp and training. I told him that you're pursuing it and varsity on your school"

"He gave an invitation or an offer that you could get in at that school, it could boost your talent at that sport. The best opportunity and I guess that you would love to hear this" He said while smiling which made me also smile too.

Even we are a rich family and have a reputation to hold and protect, he wants me to get what I want, not the way he likes. He's not forcing me to involve myself in our own family business and manage it.

He's the best father I could ask for, same with my mother. They're both good. They were always away from me as they were always busy with the business but they still managed to give me quality time and to make me feel loved. They always make me feel that we're are a family.

"I'm really glad to hear it, but dad my school is still not finished" I reasoned out, making him nod.

"I know that you're in the mid-school year right now but you can leave it here and pursue your career abroad. You're taking business management, right? It's okay if you don't finish that course, we're not even sure if you're really will handle our company in these next years. You just took it because that's the only choice you have" He answered swiftly, implying that it is not a problem to worry about.

He's a really good businessman, he can handle every situation so coolly. That's why he's very well known because of his brain and how he interacts with others. No wonder mom fell for him.

"And... it's always your choice. Just tell me when your decision is already clear as water" He dusted his pants, using his towel to remove the specks of dust off his lap. "I don't want you regretting your choices, it's not good"

"Dad, because you have a piece of news for me... I also have a one for you two" I started. I still haven't said to them that I'm currently in a relationship and a girlfriend. After few years, I got to have someone special for me again.

They both looked at me in unison with furrowed eyebrows. Woah, really... I got startled when my mother gasped and pointed a finger at me. A horror expression was plastered on her face.

"Don't tell me you're pregnant?!" She suspected with her eyes widen in anticipation. My eyes also got wide in surprise.

"WHAT?!" My father shouted which can break my eardrums off "NO WAY! YOU'RE STRAIGHT NOW?!"

I thought he'll be mad and surprised because he heard from my mother that I'm pregnant but wha- nevermind.

What the fuck is going on?

They didn't let me talk and now they're overreacting. C'mon, how could they look so professional real quick to idiots. I stared at them in disbelief and my face was blank while looking at them, panicking.

Are they my parents?

I heaved a sigh of relief when they stop on their deeds and went back to their first position. "So... what it is, daughter?"

"I'm in a relationship" They stared at me blankly before my dad spoke up to ask a question.

"Boy or girl?" He questioned with a raised brow. I squinted my eyes on him and bit my inner cheeks

"With a girl" I said without hesitation. I mean they already knew it then why would he still ask me about it?

They looking at me with no expressions at all on their face but then a second passed and their lips curved upwards.

"How long is it already?! Why you didn't say it to me as soon as possible? I'm excited to meet her? Describe her! Come on, come on" He exclaimed, bombarding me with so many questions.

"Yeah! Yeah! I agree, you should say it already to us the day after you got official. Maybe, we get to have her together with us" My mother nodded her head in agreement as they both have wide smiles on their faces.

"She's annoying" I started which immediately followed by my father.

"Oh, what a great start in introducing your girlfriend... nice!" He commented, nodding his head.

"C'mon dad... can I stop it already? I don't want to do this" I complained and bit my inner cheek.

"Such a bummer" He uttered while narrowing his eyes on me "Okay, I get it. You're just shy. Just bring the girl to us"

"Can't promise" I shrugged my shoulders before standing up from the chair. "I'm going to my room already"

"And, old man, your jokes are not funny" I pointed a finger at him while telling it and quickly dashed away from the place.

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