Cptn.Y # 2

691 48 8

(Y/N'S P.O.V)

"Go change your clothes already, the try-outs will start on 5 minutes"

Mia said when she approached me. I am getting my clothes and shoes I will use for the try-outs. We are still using uniforms here so I need to change my clothes to a more comfortable one.

"Go first, I'll come after you" She nodded hesitatingly and she mumbled a bye before running away.

I closed my locker and went to restroom to wear this clothes. I walked inside an empty cubicle and start taking off my clothes. I wore a short and a white t-shirt with a jersey on top of it. I went outside and put on my rubber shoes. I tied the lace of the shoes and put my hair in messy bun. I washed my face before stepping out of the comfort room. I ran to the hallways, heading at the gym.

I barged in and saw many students already warming up. A latter approached me while I'm trying to catch my breathe. I am looking down because both of my hands is holding my knees. I slowly looked up and saw the woman I bumped on yesterday.

"Yah, you're the rude girl I bumpe-" She cutted me off by a question.

"Are you here for the try-outs?" I snickered and crossed my arms in my chest.

"Of course, why would I go here if I wouldn't?" She just looked at me expressionless.

"You're late"

"I know" She rolled her eyes at me and I just looked at her plainly.

"Get out"

" No probl-- WHAT?" I yelled that attracted all the students attention here at the whole court.

"Are you deaf? Just do what I told you" I shook my head aggressively that made her looked at me deadly.

"I don't want, you ostrich" I heard someone snorted beside me so I glanced at that person and saw my one and only bestfriend. She looked away and whistled when she noticed my gaze at her.

"I don't want someone who was late and those who doesn't respect at me" I stared at her for a moment. My eyes widen when I realized who she is.

"You're the captain?" I asked in disbelief. I smacked myself mentally for being an idiot.

"Yes. And I don't want you on our team." She deadpanned and I whined.

"Captain, I'm sorry. What can I do so I could join the varsity team." She stared at me for a second before an annoying smirk slowly formed on her face.

"Beat me. One on one." I frowned and my eyes furrowed in frustration.

"That's unfair. You're a great player because you're the captain, it's impossible for me to beat you"

"Okay, if you beat me. I'll accept you in the team and you'll get the position of vice captain. Deal?" I shook my head in disbelief. How could I do that?

"Coward" My mouth went agape and clenched my fist.

You passed the limit, ostrich. How dare you to call me a coward? An anger glowed in me and the determination to win this game. I'll make sure that you'll regret for underestimating me. I gritted my teeth and intentionally bumped my shoulders on hers.

"C'mon captain" I called and start walking in the middle of the court. I picked up a basketball that is placed in the floor and dribbled it. She walked toward my direction.

"Glad that you agreed" She mumbled and I passed the ball to her and she returned it to me again "First to get 10 points, wins."

I start to dribble the ball, securing it to my hold. I stepped on my left and jump to fake a shot. She also jumped after me. I stood on my feet again and jumped again to shoot the ball. The ball went in that made her let out a groan. I just remained my blank face and change position with her.

I passed the ball to her again and she dribbled it, taking a step forward to my left but she turned herself around and run to my right to the ring. She did a lay up and the audience cheered.

Oh wow, she have many fans and I don't have even my best friend was cheering for my enemy. That Mia, she's not a good friend. I'll make sure to disappoint this captain and also her fans.


9 - 8, she was one point ahead to me but I'll not let her win this game. I need to join the team and show that I'm not an idiot when it come to playing basketball. It's my turn now, I dribbled the ball while trying to escape her. After a few attempts and I can't still escape from her defense, I moved forward that make her move too. I stepped backward and try to shoot here at the 3-points line. I threw the ball and we all looked at it nervously. All of the students who's here are not making any noise and watched the ball I shot.

I held my breathe when the ball start to spin on the ring and after a few second it goes in. I smiled successfully as I saw her blinking her eyes a few time processing what just happened. The crowd clapped and cheered. Mia ran to approach me and slapped my back many times.

"Fuck you, Y/n! I don't know that you're good at playing basketball!" She ruffled my hair and swung her arm over my shoulder "You beat the captain! Congrats!"

I pushed her away "You suck Mia, you're cheering for her earlier and now you're here with me, go there with her. Shoo! Shoo!"

She pouted and stomped her way to the direction I am pointing. I laughed and went out of the gym to escape this crowd of hell trying to comfort their captain. Besides, I'm done here. I squeeze myself in the crowd that is on the way to the exit and the try-outs are still not done yet because the captain asked me to have a match with her one-on-one. Some people that I passed by are congratulating me so I'll just give them a smile in return.

I sprinted in my locker to grab my phone and purse. I wiped my sweats off first before dashing my way to the cafeteria. I walked in and purchase a drink before sitting on a vacant table. Someone barged in the door so I glanced up from my phone to the latter.

"Oh HEY Y/N!" The latter yelled and ran to my direction before pulling me in an embrace. I hugged back and patted her back.

"I heard that you won the match against the basketball team's captain. CONGRATS!" I chuckled and gave her an eye smile. She pinched my cheeks and joined me in the table.

"Lisa, how about you?" I asked and she avert her gaze on me from the screen of her phone.

"What?" She said and raised an eyebrow.

"What is the club that you joined?"

"Dancing club. I have been dancing and loved it since I was a child so I join that club." I nodded.

"Show me some of your moves next time, huh?" I requested with a smile.

"Of course, no problem, Y/n/n" I picked up my phone and open my camera. I focus it on us as I swung my arm on her shoulder and pulled her closer to me. I steady the camera, the both of us smiled and I took a photo.

Captain Yoo - Y.JY FFWhere stories live. Discover now