Cptn.Y # 4

594 37 3

(Y/N'S P.O.V)

"Hey captain, do you need help? I can help you." I asked and carved a smile for her. I'm strolling on the hallways because it's our free time when I saw Jeongyeon carrying a pile of papers so I approach her.

"No need" She deadpanned without looking at me.

"Yes, she need your help" Someone snake her arms around my shoulder so I look at the stranger "She once tripped while carrying pile of papers because a few papers fell and she stepped on it"

Jeongyeon glared at her and the stranger still have a smile plastered on her face "Shut up, Sanake"

"Is your name Sanake?" The latter pouted when I asked her that while shaking her head.

"I'm Sana, bestfriend of Jeongyeon" She introduced and brought her mouth close to my ear. I feel her breathe on my skin that made my breathe hitch. "And if you have an interest to Jeongie, I'll help you."

I glanced at her with a hint of excitement on my eyes "Really?"

She nodded her head happily and patted my head. Jeongyeon glanced on us and asked "What you two talking about?"

"Nothing, don't mind us you ostrich"

"Shut it, Sanake and stay away from her and of course from me" Jeongyeon irritatingly spoke and Sana just chuckled.

"Why you want to have a time with Y/n alone?" She said teasingly and Jeongyeon sighed deeply.

"Then take her with you"

"Okay" Sana said and dragged me with her, walking away from Jeongyeon.

"Why did you drag me away from her? And where are we going?" I asked curiously and she shook her head.

"Just be quiet and let me" She doesn't answer my question but it's ok. I'll just need to be patient and wait until we reach at the place she's taking me.



She glanced at me with her eyebrows raised. I carved a sweet smile for her and run to approach her.

"Wow, that's new" I exclaimed which curiousness made a way to her face.

"What's new?" She said with a frown on her face.

"That you looked at me when I called you" I said and her eyes widen a little when she realized but it turns to her poker face immediately.

"It's nothing" She said nonchalantly and start moving forward leaving me behind.

"Yeah, sureee~" I said sarcastically and just follow her from behind. I was staring at her back while the two of us was walking in silence. She glanced at me behind her, a smile formed on my face, maybe she thought that I'm already gone because no one's noisy. She looked forward quickly when she still saw me here behind her.

We have practice today and of course the two of us is heading at the gym. We stopped in front of the door to the gym and I sprinted on it to open. I want to be gentlewoman, you know. I opened it for her and she walked in as I followed after. The whole noise fade away when they noticed who went in. Jeongyeon stepped down on the stairs and stand in the center of the court.

"Since coach will be not here temporarily because he was in a vacation, I'll be the one who'll lead the training." She announced as soon as all of the attention of the players are at her.

"I don't want you all to be tardy and missing every time we have a practice here because if you are, you'll receive a punishment I'll told you." She warned and all of us nodded our heads.

"Let's start" She shouted and all of the players went in the court.

We start warming up, practicing the basic skills in the basketball like passing, shooting, dribbling. There are some exercises for our muscular strength and endurance, agility and speed of course. We need to move fast because captain doesn't want who is a slow poke.

"This is all for today. You can go home already or take a shower." She announced emotionless. She just looked at all the players who is sprawled on the floor or benches and some who are just sitting, tired of the first training we had.

Some of the people here went to take a shower while the others went out of the gym already to go home and there is also a few players who remained sitting in benches or the floor. I laid my back on the floor while Mia laid on top of me.

"The heck, Mia. My body was in so much pain after the activities we did and you're laying on top of me." I groaned trying to push her body off me.

"You're soft so I'll just use you as my bed." She stated as I kept pushing her away from me. I sighed loudly and just rest my body again on the floor because I know that she wouldn't budge to move away from me until she want to.

After a few minutes, I decided to take a shower so I sat down with Mia on me. "I'm taking a shower so stand up now."

"Okay, I'll take a shower too." She said before standing up, approaching her bag on the bench. I let out a groan as I was stretching on my aching body. I stand up afterwards and picked up my spare clothes and a towel on my sports bag. I went to the shower room and took my clothes off before opening the shower.


"Mia, do you want to go to the market with me?" I asked as I received a text from my mom that she needs something ingredients to make our dinner for tonight. I thought that it would be nice if I have some accompany and that she was already here beside me.

"Of course, we're already strolling on the streets together. Just give me some of what your mother cooked cause all of the food that auntie cooks is delicious so make sure that you'll save some for me, okay?" She said with a hopeful voice. My mother is a great cook and when she cooked too much, she'll give some to Mia's, that's why she love the food my mother cooks.

"Okay! I'll give it to you later in you house after my mom finished cooking." I grinned and we happily skipped our way to the market.

Captain Yoo - Y.JY FFWhere stories live. Discover now