Cptn. Y # 24

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(Y/N'S P.O.V)

I laughed when I receive a snow ball on my arm. I have my arm on the side of my face, to dodge all of the attacks she's throwing at me. We're playing here at the wide area that was filled with snows like we're kids and not bothering if someone will see us acting like this.

"Hey! that's unfair! Let me throw too!" I shouted between my chuckles. She kept throwing attacks on me as all I did was to dodge it, I can't have enough time to bend and gather a snow in my hand as she'll always target me in my face.

"No! You coward! Move by yourself, remove your arms away from you and gather a snow to throw at me!" She shouted back, continuously throwing snow balls in my figure. I groaned as it continues to hit me, she's good at targeting the throws on me.

The snows are falling beautifully down at the ground. We decided to meet before the actual day of the Christmas to spend time with each other because we have a separate celebration of it with our families. So here we are, enjoying the time with each other's presence and that's enough to make my day beautifully like a blooming flower.

We are wearing thick coats to cover and warm out bodies from the cold atmosphere around. 

I decided to be brave and hurriedly removed my scarf around my neck. I spread it open and run towards her direction. She backed away, laughing while attacking me with white cold snow balls. When I got in front of her, I quickly tied it around her body so she can stop form moving her arms.

"Yah! Yah! What are you doing?!" She asked as she's squirming to remove the cloth I am wrapping around her. I pushed her down and now we are laying on the ground full of soft snows. 

"There, you can't move already" I chuckled as she's begging me to let go of her. I pushed my face closer to Jeongyeon's which causes her to stop speaking anymore. I grinned when she did, she was like attacked with anxiousness in a sudden. Her playful side faded away.

I locked eyes with her, watching her beautiful dark brown orbs that's staring back at me. Her body below me also stopped wiggling as we stayed on our position. I smiled when I felt her breath hitched, I fixed the bonnet that was placed on her head, brushing some strand of hair away. 

She closed her eyes when I put my fingers on her cheek to caress it.

I was about to close the gap between us when I felt my heart pang in guilt when I remember something. Alternating the fast beating of it because of how nervous and the fluttering feeling inside me whenever I am with her. I felt my heart skipped a beat and it hurts, feeling the pain.

If I'm feeling it like that, I wonder how would it be if she found out about that?

I just smiled, backing away a little and just poked the tip of her nose. I need to settle something when the school break is finish already.

She slowly fluttered her eyes open and I can see the confusion dancing in it. "Why you didn't kiss me?"

"We are in public. There's a possibility you would not pull away if we did" I answered, teasing her. She narrowed her eyes at me before bumping her head to me. I removed myself from her top while holding my head that is pounding in pain.

I moved on her side, wincing in pain and swaying left to right.

"Ouch, why? You can hurt yourself with it too!" I yelled while shutting my eyes close so tight.

"That's your problem, if you just didn't tackle me down and give me hope that you'll kiss me. You deserve it" She said, patting her coat as she's already standing on her feet. 

"Jeong! Jeong! It hurts, come on, help me!" I extended the both of my arms up, closing my eyes but still peeking to look on what she'll do. 

All she did was to stand while staring at me.

"Y/n... you can't put me in your trap again" She blurted out which made me pout in disappointment.

"I'm not planning anything, how can you say that?" I sat up and reached for my scarf laying down on the snow. I wrapped it around back at my neck again. I lifted my gaze up at her while hooking my hands behind me to support myself.

"Stop saying lies, I will punch you" She threatened. She really likes hurting me, right?


"I don't care if you punch me" I answered back, grinning. "You can even use a truck and hit me with it"

"Idiot" She shook her head while scoffing.

"You don't want to sit? You're just gonna stay standing there?" I asked while quirking an eyebrow up in the process. 

"Fine" She sat beside me so I put my head in her shoulder. "Ah you're lucky I love you"

The sides of my lips automatically turned upwards as soon as I heard the words. Sure, I am very lucky to have her. I sighed, I knew that I don't deserve her. My gaze went to up to look at her as my head is laying on her shoulders, just to see her looking at me too.

"Why do you look like you have a big problem? Are you okay?" She asked me as her hand went to the top of my head and started caressing it, gently.

I immediately shook my head to dismiss it, I don't want her worrying about me. I'm just nothing. I smiled and held her hand that was on top of my head. I placed my lips close to it and planted a kiss on it.

We stayed on that position for the past few minutes, just enjoying each other's warmth in this cold temperature. A place where is full of snow, but the heat we have in our hearts was enough. I laughed, breaking the silence between us emitting a confused look from her. 

"I'm okay, let's drink hot chocolate, it's cold here" I stood on my feet first before pulling her up. Of course she can't reject my suggestion.

"okay, okay" She accepted my hands. I used force to pull her up from the ground. She dusted her back as she stood, removing the snows on her clothes. I arranged the scarf around her neck and her coat. I also arranged the hat on her head as it was tilted on the side again. Why can't it just stay still?

"Let's go, my lady"

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