Cptn. Y # 25

379 33 6

(Y/N'S P.O.V)

Hell, I almost forgot about it...

The season break on our school was already finished, it means the regular classes is back again. It's sucks because we all want more of it than the given two or almost three weeks for vacation. I entered the cafeteria and we only have 5 minutes left for the lunch break.

I ate with Jeongyeon on the garden so I didn't get a chance to talk with my own circle of friends. 

"Hey! Hey! We need to talk, okay?" I slammed my hands on the table as Mia just went back after getting herself a drink.

"What is it?" Lisa asked, sipping on her juice with the use of the straw. I cleared my throat before pointing a fore finger to Rosé. She raised a brow in anticipation on why would I suddenly point to someone.

"I'll get straight to the point because we don't have any time anymore to waste"

"You have the record, right?" I asked, still not removing my finger away from her direction.

"What? What kind of record?" She interrogated with a confused expression. I scoffed and spoke up again to answer her.

"The voice record when we played-" I got cut off by Jennie. 

"Yes, she does. What about it? Do you need something about it?" She has her arms crossed in front of her chest with a raised brow, confusion was witnessed on her eyes.

"Delete it" I ordered with my stern voice. It's rare for me to go all serious around them as I'm always the playful one. They got flinched in my new side, my eyes are like sharp blades that's attempting to shoot them in one wrong move.

"Why though?" Mia asked but I ignored it and continued looking at the tall Aussie girl. 

"Delete it. I want to cancel that thing. I don't want it already, my own conscience is eating me up already. Delete it, I won't do it. We will put it off already, I'm putting it off" I stated, seriousness was all you can see around my aura. 

"Are you sure?" Jisoo asked, voicing out her concern. 

"Yes, I'm certain with my decision. I don't want that big amount of money as a prize, cancel it off. The voice record, delete it already, forget that all of those things happened" I said, certain with my own words. You can sense that I'm all dead serious, without any joking on my voice.

I want this to settle already. Jennie looked at Rosé, gesturing her with her eyes to do the thing I'm requesting. Rosé stared back at me, boring into my eyes with her scanning eyes.

"Rosé, do it" Lisa said, demanding her to do my request. The tall girl hesitantly nodded her head before stuffing her hand into the pocket of her uniform coat. 

While watching her actions, she was just about to open her phone when the bell rang, loudly indicating that the lunch time is finished. 

"Class starting, let's move" They stood up, and the bell also stopped Rosé from her actions as she prioritized to be not late on her upcoming class. I was also alarmed, my focus averted on my watch, completely forgetting the fact that I'm still waiting for something.

I looked around to see that all of the students are arranging their things as the others are on the way of the door, bringing theirselves out of the place. 

"I'll go now!" Rosé said, getting first from everyone as she hurriedly made her way out. 

Mia draped an arm over my shoulders, starting walking and pushing me in the process "Let's go, we don't want to be late on our class, do we?"

I don't want to, of course, Our professor is too strict, I don't want a failing grades on this. I still want to be an Architect, professor can't stop me. 

"Yeah, walk faster, idiot" I said before running away from her so I'll arrive at the classroom earlier.


I blew my hair that was covering my eyes as I sat on the bench, boringly. Someone sat beside me which caught my attention so I snapped my head on the latter. 

"Did you forget that we have a training today, hm?" Jeongyeon said, lifting a brow up. I chuckled and nodded my head.

"I forgot. I tend to forget things so easily" I replied and swayed my feet forward and backward as my hands were gripping tightly on the bench. She snickered and placed her hand on top of mine.

"Are you tired?" She asked emitting a nod from me in a second. After the activities we had in our class, of course I'll feel tired. 

"Of course!" I exclaimed, laughing afterwards. She pouted and rubbed her thumb over my fist.

"I noticed that you have many drawings pasted on your walls in your own room" She said. My ears perked up when she opened that topic.

"Ah... I love arts. Drawing and sketching is my passion. I sometimes let my feelings out in my own papers, if you'll find a confusing, messy and dark colors then it means I'm frustrated, angry. I find it entertaining, a hobby but now I'm aspiring for more, I decided to take an architecture as a course, besides I'm not that bad at Mathematics" I shared my point of view, I'm telling this with a smile and a shine on my eyes. I like it when I'm talking about this to someone.

"ohh, that's interesting. Me, I'm taking business course but the truth is I dreamed to be a famous and professional player in the field of women's basketball" She said. She's Jeongyeon, she can get what she wants. I'm sure she'll be a one in no time.

"You're great at playing basketball, I'm sure that someday you'll become a one. Besides you have an advantage on your looks, seriously you're too beautiful to be a basketball player. You're a model like person, you're tall, gorgeous, does have a beautiful body" I stated, praising her by her looks while looking at her. "You also have a beautiful heart, a kind one"

"Really?" She questioned while laughing from all I said about her.

"Yes, but there's still a better position that you're suited too" I stated, her eyes glinted in confusion.

"And what is it?" She asked, anticipating for my answer patiently.

"You really wanna know?" I asked and wrapped my arm around her waist. 

"Yes, of course" I chuckled before giving her the answer.

"Being my wife"

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