Cptn.Y # 13

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(Y/N'S P.O.V)

I heading on the school with a rose and box of chocolate on my hands. When I am in front of the gate, I saw Mia waving her hands at me. I marched toward her direction.

"Morning y/n/n" She put her arms around my shoulder as soon as I got beside her. She saw the box of chocolate on my hand so she tried to get it. I move the chocolate that I was holding away from her reach.

"Aw, come on. You are so selfish. I am your bestfriend give me some." I shook my head and fastened my pace to leave her. I saw Twice being surrounded by a many students giving the a presents. I squeezed myself in the swarm of their fans to get in the front.

"Excuse me" I said, squeezing myself in this group of people while raising my hands that is holding my gifts for her so it will not be ruined.

"CAPTAIN YOO!" I shouted when I am already near in the front. The students looked at my direction and some of them step aside to give me a way.

'oh it is the vice captain of the basketball team' 'shit it's Y/n' 'she have a flower and chocolate on her hands'

"Hello Y/n!" Sana greeted me with a smile.

I smiled at her and her friends and gave Jeongyeon the presents I brought for her. Sana squealed and slapped Jeongyeon who is beside her because of the excitement she feels.

"Ow, why you look like you are more excited than me?" She asked while rubbing her arm that Sana slapped.

"It is Y/n is courting you now, I know that you have a big cru--" Jeongyeon immediately covered her mouth before she even finished what she's going to say.

"Could you please shut up your mouth when you don't have anything good to say? You understand?" She said with a stern voice and Sana just nodded, scared on the look Jeongyeon's giving her. I just giggled on Sana's cuteness. The bell rang that made the students walk away from these scene.

"Bye! See you later, captain!" I waved my hands at them and start running on the hallways to my classroom.


"Hey Lee fucking Y/n! Why did you leave me earlier? I searched for you but there are many students walking and scattered in the hallways so I gave up finding you." She said after smacking the back of your head.

"I just gave my gifts to Jeongyeon" I said with my eyes filled with happiness.

"Ah, that's why. You are melting the cold captain's heart, huh?" She said and patted my shoulder "I'm so proud of you."

"Let's go on the cafeteria, the Jennie and Lisa is waiting for us there." I nodded.

"Eh? Where's Jisoo and Chaeyoung?" I asked while stepping inside the cafeteria. I saw Lisa waving at us so we walked in their table.

"Jisoo was absent, she have fever and Rosé will pick up her parents who came home from Australia at the airport" She replied.

"Ah okay"

"Hey Lisa, fancy seeing you again. I miss you" I said as I sat down beside her and gave her a hug. She hugged me back and patted my back twice.

"Miss you too, nugget" I pouted and smacked her head.

"I hate you, monkey baby." She whined and pinched my side hard. I winced in pain and laughed afterwards. The two also laughed along with me that made Lisa whined more.

"Just buy me a food, monkey baby. Buy yourself a food too, my treat." I handed her a money.

"Nugget, what do you want?" She asked as she stood up to buy our food "And stop calling me that name."

"Aw, okay. Just the same as yours, baby~" I said with my flirty tone that made Lisa's face red. She pinched my ears that made me shout in pain.

"Ow, ow, you said you want me to stop calling me that." I complained while slapping her hand that is pinching my ears that is now a color red. She stopped and walked away from me to the queue.

"Aw, my y/n/n's ears is red. Does it hurt, huh?" Jennie cooed and rubbed my red ears. I just nodded and rest my head in the table. I raised my head and hissed in pain when I feel someone pinching my ears again. "How dare you to call my Lisa that name. Baby? really, Y/n? Do you want to face your death now, huh?"

"Calm down, okay? Sorry, I'm just teasing her. She's all yours." I said with both of my hands raised as a defeat from this raging Jennie. She sat back down and Mia just laughed at me.

"Y/n, how's the beating from the both of them? Is it good?" She said with teasing smile and just continue laughing at me. I glared at her and kicked her under the table so she stopped laughing and looked at me annoyed. I just stuck my tongue out at her.

Lisa came back with the food. We all start eating and chatting. Our table was full of laughs because of jokes we are making.

Captain Yoo - Y.JY FFWhere stories live. Discover now