Cptn.Y # 10

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I am playing game at my phone while laying on my bed just to relax. I declined on going to the party because I am not fan of it, I hate noisy crowds and loud songs erupting on the whole place. I just want to have a peaceful night after the stress I got from the school. I am playing when someone called on my phone.

"FUCK THAT IM" I said before answering the call, ready to cursed at this granny.

"HEY!" Nayeon yelled from the phone.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU, RETARDED BUNNY?!" I asked annoyed at her for disturbing me at playing games.

"YOU MAKE ME LOSE ON MY GAME" I complained while scratching eyebrow.

"FUCK YOU OSTRICH! I'M JUST HELPING YOU! YOUR BABY Y/N/N IS HERE AT THE PARTY" When she said that I automatically stood up from my bed.

"OKAY GRANNY, BYE!" I shouted before hanging up the phone. I went to my closet to pick up casual clothes to wear to go to the party. I went to our garage to use my car. I drive to the address of the mansion where the party will be held.

I stepped out my car before locking it. I parked far away from the entrance because around the whole mansion are already full of cars. The students who attend the party are so fucking many. I went in the entrance and went to the second floor where they are sitting at that's what Nayeon texted me. I arrived on the table and saw that they are already drinking.

"Oh hey Jeong, I thought you wouldn't come here" Jihyo said making all of the members look at me.

"I invited here again" Nayeon said raising her head from her phone.

"How could you do that, unnie?" Dahyun asked as I sat on a vacant seat beside Nayeon.

"Yeah right because you're an idiot unnie" Tzuyu said while looking at the two of us curiously.

"Shut up, Yoda! It's just because I am the perfect and great Im Nayeon!" She said before making her hair fly to the side. All on the table glared at her as Jihyo smacked her head.

"Okay,okay! I just said that is her baby Y/n/n is here" She said with a smirk.

"That makes sense" Sana said as the rest just nodded their heads. We just continue to drink and chat until I am the last one to stay here as they left to mind their own business. I stood up and rest my elbows at the railing while wandering at the crowds, hoping to see the girl I went for. I saw her with a guy laughing on the dancefloor. I starting to feel jealousy toward them. I feel that is my heart was clenching and my head was burning in anger.

She started to move her head as her eyes wandered on the place. She noticed me making her eyes widen, I looked away after a minute and glanced at her back again. I saw that she kept stealing glances at me while chatting at that guy. I saw that she even place a kiss on his cheeks before leaving him that makes my blood to boil more. I sat back down at my seat and pour a drink to my glass.

I saw Y/n on the side of eyes in front of me. She approach me and sat down beside me.

"I thought you wouldn't join here at the party" She said while facing me but I don't have any plan to even give a spare of glance, I just kept drinking the glass I had in my hand.

"My friends heard you and the rest of twice talking about going to the party and they said that you declined" I heard her what she said and I just ignored me and kept drinking the alcohol.

"Hey, why are you not talking to me?" She asked with a hint of irritate on her voice as I am just sitting there like she's not even here, talking to me.

Captain Yoo - Y.JY FFWhere stories live. Discover now