Cptn.Y # 11

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(Y/N'S P.O.V)


Mia yelled at me but I just stuck my tongue at her. I started to run fast when I saw Mia sprinting in my direction. We just continue chasing each other here in the court but someone shouted that made us both stop on our spots.

"IF YOU DON'T STOP CHASING EACH OTHER HERE! I'LL REMOVE YOU BOTH IN THE VARSITY TEAM" Aww, our captain is so red after shouting to us. I just smiled at her and gave her a bow as an apology, Mia did the same. Mia approached me as I walked back to the bench and hit my head hard

"This is your fault. We were almost got kicked out from the team, you twit "I winced in pain and glared at her. We both sat down when we got to the bench. I took my towel out of the bag as well as my water container. I wiped the sweat off my face and drank a lot of water.

"GET ON YOUR POSITIONS NOW!" Captain yelled so I put the things I'm holding on the bench and run on to my position next to other players.

She whistled so we start training now. We did all of the exercises we always do.


I am now laying on the floor because I feel so tired after doing those trainings. My body aches so bad. I already took a shower and change my clothes. Someone threw a bottle of water at me and hit my head. That made my head hurt even more. I winced in pain and rubbed the part where the bottle hit me. I looked at the person who did it and glared at her.

"Fuck you, Mia" I cursed at her that make her laugh more. I reached for the bottle and threw it back to her. She yelped in pain when the bottle hit her. I sat up and laughed out loud. She threw it again at me that hit my chest that caused me to cough loudly. I took the bottle and drank it because I having difficulty in breathing. I rest my back again on the floor and close my eyes.

"That's all for today. You can go home now." When I heard that, I immediate stood up and search for her. I saw her already leaving the gym so I run to my bag at the bench and dashed my way out of the gym to catch up on her. I saw her going to the lockers, so I sprinted my way to her. She looked at me and I gave her a smile. She immediately looked back at the locker so my smile turned into a pout.

"Captain Yoo~" I tapped her shoulder a few times. When she looked at me, I smiled and took her wrist and dragged her out of the school. She was trying to remove her hand on my hold so I tightened my hold on her.

"Hey! Wait! Where are we going?" She asked as she still trying to get out of my grip. I stopped and looked at her.

"On a date, Captain Yoo" I just smiled on her and remove my hold on her wrist.

"I don't want to" She said sassily and crossed her arms.

"Aw, come on." I whined and a pout form on my face "Many people asking me on a date and here I am taking you on a date."

"You are very lucky, you have someone like me taking you on a date" I added while wiggling both of my eyebrows on her.

"Tch. Me? Lucky? Who's lucky being taken on a date by an idiot?" She said that made me stomp my feet on the ground.

"Yeah. You are. I know I am an idiot, you don't need to remind me that. Let's go!" I said and about to hold her hand again but she yank it away from me.

"Didn't you say that many people ask you for a date, why don't you take one of them with you on the date?" She asked "Why are you still asking me on a date"

I looked at her eyes intensely and straight-forwardly said "Because I like you"

She looked away and I saw a blush crept on her cheeks. I grinned widely and took the chance to drag her with me.

Captain Yoo - Y.JY FFWhere stories live. Discover now