Cptn.Y # 20

427 37 11

(Y/N'S P.O.V)

"Yah! Stand up there and take a shower" Jeongyeon approached me and trying to pull me up from the floor but I am so tired to get up. My body got worn up from the training today.

"Oh, C'mon. Later, I will, just let me to be like this for five minutes" I whined and closed my eyes.

"Five minutes? You have asked that to me also earlier so get up now your five minutes have already finished" She retorted and pulling my hands up.

"Okay" I replied shortly and lazily got up from the floor as I don't have any choice because she will not stop until I obey her.

I ran to the locker's room to get my clothes before going into showers. Lockers and showers are in just a one room.

After I finished taking a shower, I went back to the court where some are still there.

"Finally, even taking a shower, it took you so long" Jeongyeon started when she saw me walking towards her.

"Wanna know why?" I asked, making her look at me in confusion.

"No" She declined and stood up from where she is sitting.

"Okay" I laughed and grabbed my backpack.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked and hold her hand.

"It's up to you" She replied as we starting to head out of school.

"My house, you want?" I suggested which made her stop on her tracks.

"Oh, why are you looking at me like that?" I asked when I noticed that she's looking at me, suspiciously.

"What are we gonna do there? Are you planning on something?" She asked and started to walk again.

"What are you even thinking?" I intertwined our hands and swayed it, forward and backward together while walking.

"Something dirty" She answered plainly.

"What the-? How can you say it like that?" I laughed and glanced at her.

"And no, we will not doing something like that! I have my parents at home, we don't want them hear you kept screaming my name" I teased so I receive a smack at my head.

"You ungrateful brat, maybe you screaming my name" She remarked.

"Uhuh, no, I can't let that" I shook my head in disapproval.

"So? Do you want to or not?" I asked her. She's silent for a few seconds, maybe thinking of her answer.

"No, maybe next time" She replied and we halted on our steps in front of the gate.

"Huh? Why?" I looked at her with my eyebrows knitted together.

"I don't want to meet your parents this soon...I'm still not ready" She uttered with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

"Don't worry about them, they are kind" I objected and gave her hand a squeeze.


"Come on" I whined and cupped her cheeks, squeezing it making her lips pucker.

"What if, they are scary and don't want me for you" I gave her a peck after she said those words.

"No~ I promise, they are kind and they will love you" I defended and let go of her cheeks.

"Are you sure about that?" She stared at my eyes while frowning.

"I swear to God, Jeong! They will love you!" I debated and carved a smile to reassure her, making her nod slowly. "Great, let's go"

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