Cptn.Y # 6

522 38 5

(Y/N'S P.O.V)

I was answering the questions on exam effortless. If you really study the lessons well, you'll not having a difficulty answering this exams. After an hour answering all the questions and checking my answers before I submit this, I stand up and place my papers on the teacher's table and went back to my seat.

I just tapped my fingers on the table while looking out at the window and waiting for Mr. Li to dismiss the class.

"Class dismissed"

I immediately swung my backpack over my shoulder. I really want to go on the garden so I dashed my way there. I sat on a vacant bench and sniffed the fresh air. I leaned my back against the bench and closed my eyes. I fluttered it open again and let my eyes wander around the place.

I saw Jeongyeon sleeping on the other bench and a smile made a way on my lips. I opened my bag and took my pencil and sketching pad out before looking at her. I study her first before sketching on the paper. After few minutes of scratching on the paper, I finally drew her.

I approached her and study her features. She looks so peaceful when sleeping and how can someone look so beautiful while sleeping, this is illegal. I need to report her on the police for stealing my heart. I brushed out some strand of hair on her face and placed her head on my shoulder. I put the materials I used back on the bag.

After a few minutes, Jeongyeon started to stir on her sleep. She groaned before fluttering her eyes open. She rubbed it, maybe adjusting on the light.

"You're so cute, captain" She immediately stand up when I spoke. I just chuckled and shook my head.

"Why are you here?"

"It is the school's garden so I can go here anytime" I reasoned out with a grin.

"And your head is falling so I decided to approach you so you can lean your head on my shoulder"

"How long have I been sleeping?" She asked as she sat down beside me.

"Maybe an hour, I'm not sure" I replied while scratching my left cheek.

"It's already lunch time. Let's go" I added before standing up. I hold her wrist before dragging her up and I intertwined our hands. I expect her to pull her hand away from me but she didn't so I celebrate mentally. We just walked together until we reached the cafeteria. I guide her to there table before heading to our usual table with Mia and the Blackpink.



I looked back to see Sana running on my way, she greet me with a bear hug. I giggled and hugged her back. "Nice to see you again, Sana"

"Ehem" Someone cleared their throat and we both averted our gaze to them. She's one of the twice member, the one with the bunny teeth.

"Hi, Nayeon unnie" Sana said and gave her a hug too.

"I thought she was Jeongyeon's, why are you flirting to her, you Sanake" She said while shaking her head as I just grinned on what she said.

"Ani, I'm just giving her a hug. It's normal" She defended and release her hug on Nayeon.

"Of course" Nayeon said sarcastically and gave me her bunny smile "Hello Y/n. Sorry for this snake if she's kept bothering you" She stated.

"No, it's okay. I know that she's clingy to everyone but she's still single as ever" I exclaimed which made Sana pout as Nayeon just let out a chuckle.

"Yeah because she's like that, her crush didn't want to be with her" She said, making the sulking squirrel more annoyed.

"Shut up, you bucktooth" Sana hissed which she received a hard smack on her head from Nayeon. I just smiled on there interaction.

"Join us, Y/n" Sana said and take my wrists, ready to drag me but I tried to pull my hand back "But where?" I asked.

"We're going to a café together with the rest of the members of twice so your Jeongyeon will be there. You coming?" Nayeon stated with her bunny smile.

"Of course" I answered with a chuckle and let Sana and Nayeon guide our way to the said Café.

We stopped in the front of a cozy café. Sana dragged me to the entrance with Nayeon at the back, following us. The bell rang when we open the door. Nayeon and Sana roamed their eyes on the café to search for their group while me, I'm looking at the counter and I saw my childhood crush.

Seungwan, she's still beautiful. I did have a crush on her because she has a great and heavenly voice. Whenever I am going to the park, I'll always see her, sitting on a swing while singing. She's the reason on why I kept going on that park. One day when I have built up my confidence enough to talk to her, I approached her and start talking to her. We became friends but when she was 12, she need to move to Canada with her parents so I didn't saw her again.

"Y/N!" I was brought back to my senses when Nayeon shouted on my ears and Sana that was shaking my body all the time. I rubbed my ears because of the loud voice of this bunny.

"Uh- wha-what is it?" I stammered and I mentally smacked myself for zoning out. Sana stopped shaking my body and the both of them sighed.

"I said that we already found them so let's go now" Nayeon said before dragging me to where the table is. I looked at the table and saw that they are already complete, some are chatting while the others are with their phones.

"Why the two of you are lat- oh hey Y/n!" Jihyo said making the two, who is beside me, let out a snort.

"Um hello" I said with an awkward smile.

"Hey let's sit beside each other" Sana whispered on my ear and drag me. I was about to sit to the vacant seat beside Tzuyu but Sana pulled me back.

"What?" I asked and a smirk formed on my face "Don't tell me you have something for Tzuyu? Is she your crush? Oh that's wh-"

"Shut up, Y/n" She said and covered my mouth with her hands. All of them laughed while Sana and Tzuyu are blushing. I removed her hands and sat on another chair. I glanced at Jeongyeon who was laughing that made me smile subconsciously. I looked away before they can notice that I'm staring at her and receive a teasing from them.

Captain Yoo - Y.JY FFWhere stories live. Discover now