Cptn. Y # 27

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The audience were on fire on what did just witnessed. You were left standing when her friends came up and decided to get her out of the scene.

You didn't bother to chase her, because you know that she needed time and space. And you're feeling guilty to even move from your spot.

You were ashamed from all of these. You just embarrassed yourself out of the whole campus.

You shoulders were shaking as you're trying to stop the tears that keeps coming out. You feel weak. Weak, like she's the only source of your energy and with her, walking away, she had drained all of it.

You went statue in the middle of the crowd. The students didn't know what to do and just stood up, shocked by the happenings as you.

But you weren't left like that for long, as your friends heard what happened and immediately moved to look for you.

A hand was placed in your shoulder. You felt it but still ignored it, as you were too busy thinking about what have currently occurred.

Your friends saw that you were completely a mess, and a worried expression is plastered all over their faces. They can't just leave you here even it looks like that you have no any plan to proceed to your day.

"Y/n" Mia said, as her hand remains on your shoulder. The four other girls have also went closer to you and hugged you.

That gave you comfort and lessen the tension around. You let them do what they wanted to, as you're staggering to get hold of steady breathing.

"I'm a fucking idiot. She hates me now, is there anything I could do for her to forgive me? I don't think that she can even stand up seeing me and having my presence close to her" You mumbled, feeling all dully. Jennie patted your back as she has her arms around your figure.  

"Don't worry. We still can do something. Just let her be for now, she's in pain too and she needs space for her to think about what she had just discovered" Jennie tried to comfort you. Lisa rumbled your hair as Jisoo keep wiping the tears you have in your cheeks.

"C'mon. Let's get you in a better place. You can't stand here the whole time" Lisa suggested which everyone agreed to. You just also followed them because you're too tired to think more. 

They led you to a place where no people can disturb you anymore. Mia passed you a bottle of water which you took and drank it in immediate. Your throat felt dry from all the crying and that made your chest feel in relief. 

Your friends were just by your side, looking at you with worry. It's the first time they have seen you like this.

You were always the productive one and the sunshine of the group but how just can you look like this so hopeless by any minute. 

"How did she knew about this?" Was the first question that came out from your mouth.

"Is there someone who told here behind my back? We're the only ones who knows about it and there's no doubt that this circle has the suspect."

You suspected. They know that you are right because it just happened between you and them and that suspect is really just here, beside you. 

"I told you all to delete it. I cut it off, I cut the dare off. I had said it already, I don't want it anymore..." You trailed off. You can't believe a friend of yours can do this to you. That person broke your relationship with Jeongyeon.

"But the person who have the record is you, Roseanne. You didn't move it to the trash, did you?" You interrogated. All of the attentions is at the mentioned girl.

"Did you really, Rosé?" Jisoo repeated the question. The tall girl have stayed silent, as her eyes were connected to yours. 

"I didn't, okay? I'm the one who sent it to Jeongyeon if that's what you all want to hear." She admitted right away.

It came out from her mouth emotionless but the expression on her eyes says that the guilt was all over her body. Chaeyoung ended the contact with you and looked directly at the ground.

She's scared and ashamed. She's regretting what she did, she's did it by herself and if you would take a look on it, it is an act full of selfishness.

She can't accept that you have really fallen for that girl, she looks supportive for what relationship you two have but that truth is that she's hurting and jealous by how you look at her. How she wish that it was her that you have your eyes for.

"What the fuck" Jennie muttered.

Jennie just didn't see it coming, how can an angel bring this bag of pain to their friend. Well, the other have the same reaction, they're dumbfounded by the news. 

"Rosé" You chuckled, your head was shaking side by side and the sourness of your tone is obvious. "What did you just do? Did I do something for you to make me like this? You betrayed your friend. You betrayed me. "

"I know. I'm sorry for that, but I acted out of mind. I just like you so much and I didn't know that I can do such thing just so you two won't be together anymore and see my worth" Rosé replied.

"I like you, Y/n. I just like you so much and what I did is so senseless. That won't replace how you look at her, that won't make you look at me at how you do at her"

Just great, you thought. She was also special to you but you think of her as a friend, and only a friend. Well you see this coming a slight.

You have took clues before that she sees you more that a friend. Your friend, they know that the woman has romantic feelings for you but they didn't expect for her to do it just because she likes you.

"I'm sorry" Rosé shredded tears already. All of you were surrounded with silence. You all just can't take what's happening before your own eyes. 

"I'm sorry too, but I don't want to hear anything from you for now" You said with bitterness.

You've lost the girl you love, now a person who became so special to you and you get attached to. But you can't just stand how is all happening to you right now. She did it behind your back because she likes you.

But that won't make you like her, like how you love Jeongyeon.

Your broken heart just got broke again. A double kill.

You stood up. Without saying anything, you left them and started walking to your class even you are not in your right mind to focus on your own class.

As soon as you left, Rosé broke into tears more. She's kept blaming herself, she wanted you for herself yet what she have done made her feel like she lost you. 

Jennie, Lisa, and Jisoo decided to approach the another broken girl and asked Mia to go after you to look after you.

Even they think that the Aussie girl is at wrong, she still needs a support a hand for what she's going through. After all, you all were still friends and her was still part of it. They can't let her be by herself handling the pain. 

As for now, you can really say that this day is a mess. Everything is certainly a mess.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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