Cptn.Y # 15

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"Hey, wake up. It's already 7 pm" I heard Y/n said so I fluttered my eyes open slowly.

I blink my eyes a few times before my visions got clear. I widen my eyes when I saw that Y/n's face is so close to mine.

I quickly move away from her with a crimson red color painted on my face. She sat up with me on her lap.

"Why so shocked, Jeongie?" She exclaimed with a chuckle.

She placed her head on my chest and I really don't doubt that she would hear my heart beating so fast.

She giggled and I moved away from her, getting off of her lap and fixed my clothes from getting crumpled. I also fixed my hair because it is so messy.

"Ah you're so hot captain even you just woke up from your slumber that's why I'm so inlove with you" She complimented and I just looked away so I can hide my blushing face. I just woke up and I already got flirted with this idiot. "So how's your sleep? Is it good? Comfy?"

"Um yes, thank you" I said and gave her a small smile.

I don't know but my cold aura is slowly fading away because of this idiot. There's just something on her that's making my heart warm like she casts some magic for me to be like this.

"You're welcome and you even smile at me. What a nice day" She said grinning. She picked her bag and hand me mine. "Let's go, I'll walk you home"

"No need, I can handle mys-" She cuts me off.

"Eh? I insists, I don't want you to walk alone so I can protect you if something bad happens to you. It is better for me to face the harm than you would" She stubbornly said and she gripped on my wrists before dragging me out of the gym.

A smile made a way onto my lips when I heard what she said, she's willing to protect me even she got hurt.

"Okay, okay. Just slow down" I said and she make her speed into a slower pace.

I decided to make a big move and made our hands intertwined making her look at me. I immediately looked away when she turned her head to me. She chuckled and hold my hand tighter.

"Ah, didn't know that you like holding my hands and by the way, your ears are red" She exclaimed making me blush more. I removed my hold onto her hand and put it both on my ears making her whine.

"Yahh~Why did you release your hold on my hand?" She whined and reached out for my hands that I'm using to hold on my ears. I shook my head and walked ahead from her and ran when I felt that she's following me. "Wait for me! Why are you running?! Do you want to play with me?!" She yelled and I just run faster.

She kept calling at me so I faced her and ran backward but I got startled when she was already in front of me. I heard someone honking behind me but I can't seem myself to look at that when I can't stop me, from staring at the girl who was in front me.

She engulfed me in a hug immediately and I can hear her heartbeat. It was as fast as mine. Maybe because we both ran so fast that's why my heart is beating fast. Is that it really?

"HEY! YOU BASTARD! DRIVE SLOWLY, YOU ALMOST HIT SOMEONE!" She yelled making me flinch a little.

She looked at me and I saw worries on her eyes. She hold me tighter making my head lay on her chest where I can clearly hear her heartbeat that is making me in peace. She sighed and caressed my back.

"Hey, next time, just focus your eyes on the front, don't run backwards especially that you are near the road." She said with a hint of fear in her voice making me nod my head at her to stop her from worrying. "You got almost hit by that motor, it was even driving faster than the limit, I should report him but I didn't saw the plate number because it was already dark." She gently said while brushing her hands through my hair.

"Okay, I will. No need to worry about me." I said softly and returned her the hug. I felt her got relaxed and kissed the crown of my head.

"You should" She said followed by a soft chuckles from her.

She hold my face with a one hand and lift it up a little so she could look straight into my eyes. My face is starting to heat when our eyes got connected, her eyes are so beautiful making me lost on it and fall for her more. She said something that made my heart thump so hard against my ribs.

"And I can't stop myself from worrying for you, I need to make sure you are always safe because I still need you to marry me soon, my future wife."

Captain Yoo - Y.JY FFWhere stories live. Discover now