Cptn. Y # 26

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You were on your way to your school, walking as usual. The corner of your lips were lifted as you vision what your day could be. Whoever saw the look on your face, they could surely see that you are in a good mood and ready to start the day, cheerfully.

Well, who wouldn't, just thinking about the girl that has been invading your mind the whole time, that can doubtlessly bring you comfort and feeling of home.

The huge gates that belongs to the university you've been going to, welcomes your sight. As you got into the front, you can see the numbers of students scattered around the big place that's part of the enormous building.

You've continued the steps of your feet as you wander your eyes around like a lost child, like it's been your first time to be here.

But the moment you saw the familiar face of the woman that haven't failed to make your smile brighter than the sun, halted you from grazing all over the place and steadied your eyes at her figure only.

Your eyebrows creased by the time you saw the look she has on her face, a frown was replaced on your lips when the big smile you had, disappeared in a second.

The look of disappointment and betrayal can be figured out just by seeing her eyes that hold multiple colors of feelings.

Just by the moment that you got stocked at your place, her figure got closer and closer by you now. The rage of feeling, specifically the anger, she has right now is evident by every step she's taking.

She stopped in front of you and by that you had a chance to get a better look of her flawless face. The eyes that you always see that holds warm feeling is now filled with blankness and you can see that she's tearing up.

That gives you chills, a mix of emotions. Confused, worried, and scared. You decided to take her hand slowly into yours, as your mouth opened to utter words. But when you were close on taking her hands and give words, she retrieved it and instead, you felt it in the side of your cheek.

Your head took a turn to look on the other side by the impact. Of course that made you shocked and frozen as you really didn't expect for it to happen. That scene, gathered a lot of attentions, especially to the students who have witnessed all of it.

"You fucker, how could you... how could I not figured it out from the start that this whole time, you were just fooling me." The words hit you. The words that you expected to hear once you knew that she found all about of it got you speechless.

You didn't bother to move your head and just let it stay by how it is, as you could not now gaze into her. The feeling of guiltiness struck you right through your chest. Your breathing got heavier as you blink your eyes to stop yourself from bawling your tears out that was caused by the pain, not just physically but also emotionally.

You couldn't feel your cheek as it got numb by how strong the impact is, but you couldn't care less about it as you know that this, this moment you were truly fucked up.

"You love me? That's fucking bullshit! You loved me because of a dare? No! you surely don't have any feelings for me, your fucker!" Jeongyeon shouted. The madness can't surely stop her from shouting and vent all her feelings on me.

"Did I do something for you to hurt me this hard? I should have not be affected because you're just a person who decided to play with my feelings because you were dared to but it's like you made me drink of fucking love potion and I was in a spell where I can't stop myself from hurting, just how hard did I fell for you? I should have knew it, I should have not trusted anything from you and not believed you from the beginning." She punched your shoulder, but it wasn't that strong.

She's feeling weak already, the tears that were brimming to her eyes are already falling.

She punched you continuously in the same shoulder. You just let her do it because you knew that you were the one who's at fault. You closed your eyes as you couldn't contain yourself from stopping your tears to not fall anymore.

"A fucking clown" She let out a loud laugh but her voice is shaking. You don't know what's happening already by the crowd. All you know is that you and Jeongyeon are not in doubt to be done.

"I'm sorry..." The first words that you can utter by this type of situation. You have no strength to say anymore and you feel that you have no right to. "I'm really sorry"

She didn't said anything, but you could hear her sobs and sniffs that sent you a message that she's crying. You just made your love to cry. You just hurt her.

"But the feelings I have for you is true. I, honestly, love you. I, unfortunately, fell in love with you too. But no, no... I don't regret anything about it because you're truly worth of love-"

"Shut up. I won't... believe whatever you say anymore. Don't feed me up with lies again, just please" She cut you off.

What can you expect? She just found out that being with her was a dare you were told to. Who would ever trust what's leaving the mouth of yours.

"I'm not lying-"

"Who would think that you're saying is true? At this point, I think no one. Especially the person that you made me look like an idiot, a fool for knowing that you have truly loved her. No, I don't wanna hear anymore from you"

It hurts like hell, you wish that you can turn back the time to stop yourself from doing that stupid dare. It what you get... this is your karma.

"I hate you. I hate you for making me believe in full lies."

That would firmly be stuck in your head for the mean time. That would certainly bring you pain again and again. These words would be like a broken tape on your head.

"I hate you for making me love you."

A pain struck you right through the chest. It was like a knife that got struck into your heart, breaking it into pieces. You don't want to hear those things, mostly from her.

But anyway, it's your fault. You think you deserve all this pain and words from her. You just not fooled her from the start, you even got yourself into it. You also fooled yourself.

The girl you love just said that she hates you. What could be worst than this?

Captain Yoo - Y.JY FFWhere stories live. Discover now