Cptn.Y # 12

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(Y/N'S P.O.V)

"You have an ice cream on the side of your lips"

I reached for her over the table. I gently wiped it off from the side of her lips with my thumb. I leaned back and licked my thumb. I smiled at her and continue eating my ice cream. I have finished my ice cream and just watch her enjoying the ice cream while leaning my back at my chair.

"You already finish. Let's go, I'll walk you home." I stood up from her seat and lend my hand to her. She accepted it and I helped her stand up from her seat. We stepped out of the ice cream shop.

We walked side by side, silence engulfed us. A comforting silence. I just enjoy walking in the night, the sounds of the leaves on the trees and the wind that is hitting my face and makes my hair fly away a little.

"How was the date with an idiot, captain?" I asked her and closed my eyes for a second. I opened my eyes and glanced at her with a smile. She chuckled a little and give me a two thumb ups.

"Not bad, vice captain" She said that made my eyebrows furrowed. She notice the look on my face and chuckled a little "You are really an idiot, ha? Don't you remember that you are the vice captain of our varsity team?"

"Oh shit, I didn't remember because I don't act like a one and also I'm not attending meetings." I said and scratch my nape.

"Yeah, right. You really don't act like a vice captain. All you do is to create a trouble inside the court with your bestfriend." She said that made me pout. She stopped so I did the same. We are in front of a big gates.

"Why don't you use a car to go to school if you are this rich?" I asked her because she always walking to school.

"Nothing. I like walking to school than using a car to go there, it is no fun." She replied while shrugging her shoulders.

"Like you" I mumbled.

"What did you say?" She asked, confusion written on her face.

"Uhm, I said that your house is beautiful" I said with a sheepish smile. She nodded and start walking toward the gate.

"Wait" I said and pulled her wrist. I welcomed her in my embrace. She flinched in my arms, shocked at what I did. I hugged her tighter and she became comfortable in my arms.

"What is it?" She asked as I released myself from the hug. I grasped both of her shoulder and made an eye contact with her.

"Can I....?" I asked still staring at her eyes.

"What?" I remove my hold on her shoulders.

"Can I.. court you?" I asked nervously as I looked down and start fiddling with my fingers. Minute has passes and she's still not saying anything.

"Ah... Sorry for asking that, just forg--" She cut me off by laughing. I looked at her with my eyes furrowed.

"What is funny?" I asked with a hint of irritation on my voice. She stopped herself from laughing.

"I didn't know that the Lee Y/n will get nervous on asking a girl if she can court her" She said sarcastically with a teasing smile "I almost believe in your prank because of your great acting skills. You almost got me there, huh?"

I just looked at her with a blank face and when she noticed the seriousness in my face, her smile dropped. "Wait, are you not joking?"

"Do I look like joking to you? Do you think all I do is a joke?" I asked sadly as I sighed loudly "Never mind, just forget what I said"

I saw her frozen on her spot so I turned around and start walking away from her.

"But I still don't give you my answer" She said but I just continue walking.

"I already know that your answer will be no so just forget what I said"

"But you're wrong. I agree on you courting me." She said that made me stop on my spot and turn around to look at her.

"Really?" I asked with a wide smile plastered on my face, not believing what I just heard. She nodded so I dashed in her direction and engulfed her in a hug.

"Thank you" I said happily. I leaned to her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. I pulled back from the embrace.

"Goodnight, Captain Yoo!" I waved my hands to her as she start to walk to the direction of her house. I turned around and start walking home with a wide smile on my face.

Captain Yoo - Y.JY FFWhere stories live. Discover now