Chapter Thirteen: Overslept

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Jimin's heart pounded, his fingers trembled and he knew sweat had begun trickling down his bare back as he stood in fear against the bathroom door, a hand clamped firmly over his mouth. In front of him stood a young man who shared his terrified expression, his swollen lips quivering in fear as he watched Kim Seokjin's pursuit through the room, via the crack in the door.

The younger of the pair whimpered, suddenly finding it difficult to breathe under the palm that had flown to his face to trap the moan he'd almost emitted in the presence of his eldest hyung. He'd have lifted his arms to desperately seek aid, but he was frozen in fear. But the longer he waited, the harsher the lump in his throat felt. With each second he felt it graze against his vocal chords, the wash of adrenaline flooding through his veins only increased. Any longer, and he was certain he'd faint from fear.

On hearing the room door close again, the older removed his hand and drew away from Jimin, running a shaking pair of hands across his face, "Fuck..." he muttered, his words trembling as they were uttered from his lips. But while the stylist was focused on how close he'd been to losing his job, found naked in the bathroom with one of BTS' maknae line, he did not notice the effect Seokjin's presence had had on the frightened little one.

Taking a deep breath, Jimin wiped the small stream of tears that had formed across his flushed cheeks and reached for his clothes.
"Ji-Seok." he stuttered. The stylist finally turned around, his face falling as he noticed his partner was now partially clothed, indicating no more would be happening that night, "I think you should go before hyung comes back."

Jimin's eyes flew open, his heart pounding viciously. He realised then he'd been saved from his nightmare by the sound of his phone buzzing against his pillow. Shifting, still partially disorientated, he yawned against Jungkook's bare chest before slowly rolling over and squinting at the bright screen. His eyes widened instantly, "Crap!" Fumbling with the sheets to cover himself, he answered their driver's call.

"Jimin where are you?"
"Ah... I-we're just coming!" he yelled, thankful the call was not including video, "Sorry we-we got into such a conversation!" as he rambled, he whacked Jungkook awake, rapidly motioning him to get up and get dressed as fast as humanly possible, "Yes-just putting on shoes now! Will be there!" And with that he hung up.

"Shitshitshit-" The older hissed, hopping on one foot to the other as he hauled on his previously discarded jeans while simultaneously shoving a hoodie over his head and cursing loudly. How had they slept till 4pm?!
Ensuring they'd not left anything behind, the two young singers hurtled out of the room and launchef towards the stairs, flying down the steps and skidding comedically into the lobby.

The receptionist, who was the same woman from the previous night watched in amusement as the two upcoming singers of BTS stumbled into the lobby. The smaller, blonde haired singer was still zipping up his rucksack, silently mouthing swear words in between his promise to whoever he was on the phone to that they were indeed on their way. The dark haired, younger looking one - the same who had widely gaped at the sight of the hotel - still had one of his Timberlands unlaced, which he seemed to have trouble not tripping over every so often. His eyes were wide open, his mouth opening and closing as if imitating an odd sort of fish.

Bless them, she smiled to herself, unable to help herself glancing around to check no one had, in their panicked state, noticed who they were. Young love... But she could not help but be concerned about the looks given around her as these two young Idols careered out of the busy lobby.

"Sorry sorry sorry!" Jimin yelled as, out of breath from running up the road, he threw open the car door and the two of them launched inside, "We lost track of time talking to our-uh friend-"
"Boys." The driver grinned through the front mirror as he pulled away from the curb, "Stop panicking. I know where you were. It's fine. You have a nice evening together?"
At once the car elapsed into silence. Both singer's stared in shock at the driver who was now silently chuckling to himself at their stunned reactions.

"You... You-h-how?" Jungkook spluttered. Neither singer dared even speak, not even to defend themselves as they impatiently waited in what seemed like deafening silence before their driver spoke again in a calm, comforting voice.
"You really think the CEO was going to let you frolick around Seoul as a couple on your own? Pff he cares more about your safety than that. Jimin... You were clever phoning the hotel about quiet check-in and check out hours, but we still weren't happy to take chances."

Jikook were still seated in shocked silence, "Don't worry. I'm sworn to secrecy and I wouldn't reveal your relationship anyway. My boyfriend and I have had our fair share of experiences in the public eye...and we're not even Idols."
"Your... Boyfriend?" Jimin whispered, finally able to push past the lump in his throat.

"Hmm," their driver nodded, grinning at him through the mirror, "You think Bang PD was going to risk asking just anyone to keep your secret? He knew I was the least likely to throw a fit.
All I'm going to say is... Well done. I know how harsh it is to come out in this society and you two... Well you both are in a highly judgemental environment stocked with critical expectations that mostly steer artists towards being straight, single and utter perfection. You're certainly one of those, but to defy two of them... I respect that. Even if you have to hide it.. You should still be proud of what you've already done."

Jungkook still could not speak. But rather than his throat closing in fear, trapping each syllable he tried to frantically utter... Instead, he simply sat in amazed shock. He had not known there was a member of BigHit staff who was open about their same sex relationship. Nor had he expected the driver to be so invested in helping he and Jimin remain silent.

Finally, he was able to force one thing out of his quivering mouth.

"T-thank... You."

Small chapter, but didn't want to do a time skip in the middle of one.

Yes, because it's small I'll give you the next chapter later today too :)

Feedback and comments always appreciated and welcomed!! 💚

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