Chapter Twenty Nine: What's Wrong With Park Jimin

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See what I did there ^^ :)


"That's honestly so adorable... I think I might vomit-"
"-Yoongi shut up! Don't wake them you little shit... Ow!" Hoseok and Yoongi yelped simultaneously as Namjoon lifted a hand against the back of their heads.
"Both of you shut up and someone grab a photo of this its adorable."
At once, three phones were hastily dug for and pointed in the direction of  the heart warming scene.

Having left Sae-mi to calmly speak to Jungkook, Yoongi and Hoseok had not returned to his room in fear of stimulating anger from the maknae, choosing instead to keep an ear out for yelling while watching Netflix. Both however, had fallen asleep, only to be rudely awakened by Namjoon and simultaneously scream to their leader that they'd lost their youngest.

But, contrary to their concerns that the little one had escaped the moment he knew his hyungs were out cold, they had found he was still in fact, within his bedroom. He was passed out asleep beside the young woman they'd come to incredibly respect with every loving action she displayed to them all. Hoseok felt as if he was going to choke to death if the butterflies within his stomach kept multiplying and cartwheeling dangerously around what seemed like every single one of his internal organs.

Their maknae had curled himself upon the make-up stylist's lap, the fingers of his right hand tightly intertwined with her own as they peacefully slept. It seemed as if Sae-mi had tried everything she could to stay awake. But as the early morning hours trudged on, she had been betrayed by the waves of exhaustion and had fallen asleep where she sat upright, against Jungkook's bed back board. It was truly an adorab-

Bang. "Motherfu- shit!" Yoongi looked up with wide, terrified eyes from where he'd fallen into the room on losing his balance. Each pair of childish expressions peeping through the door frame glanced timidly at their friend who had promptly awoken on hearing Yoongi's fall. She shook her head, disorientated as slowly her brain processed the reality that four members of BTS were giddily watching their maknae and her sleep.
This disorientation then became a disgruntled, yet incredibly amused frown, "Boys." she called out. And despite two of the four artists being older than her, each one glanced at her sheepishly as if an older sister had gotten angry and told them off, "What are you doing?"

And quite incredibly, each young adult beside the door frame had been rendered speechless. When eventually one or two tried to utter an excuse, it was no more that a muttered jumble of vowels and constanants, accompanied by awkward hand waves and embarassed facial expressions. Sae-mi was perfectly happy to allow this hilarity to continue, had their manager not walked through the front door.

"Anyone home?" Sejin called out from the door as he took his shoes off. Although, such a question was frankly meaningless given they were no longer allowed out of the dorm without telling management. At once the sheepish, uncomfortable expressions as they failed to explain themselves to the make-up artist suddenly evolved into one of panic.
Sae-mi technically wasn't supposed to be there. Just as he walked into view, the door to Jungkook's bedroom slammed shut and each artist pressed their backs against the wood, flickering false smiles onto their faces in some pathetic attempt to hide the panic beneath, "M-manager Sejin!" Namjoon stuttered, his fist tightly bound around the handle of the bedroom door, for fear it would swing open suddenly.

Fortunately, their manager had not noticed how uncomfortable each present member of BTS was. He looked at them all and sighed, running a shaking hand through his hair. Not a single artist needed to ask why he looked so dejected, for, they had all heard from either the band, or from Jimin himself, what had happened.

"Jimin and Taehyung are resting in my guest room." he explained. The others nodded, having known Sejin had offered the space on realising Jimin did not wish to return to the dorm. The contemporary dancer had been in such an intense state of distress, that not a single individual present had the heart to deny him what he wanted. He still could not get the young adult's heart wrenching screams out of his head.

"You-" he began, and then sighed once more, "I spoke with PD-nim. We both agreed Jimin can't tell all should tell him...right now."
And although it was seven o'clock in the morning, and although each member knew exactly how Jungkook would react, they realised their manager was right. Jungkook was far too angry to face Jimin maturely and the older singer was not at all in a state to produce the coherent words he needed to, in order to explain the situation. And so each of them nodded, murmured goodbyes to their manager and solemnly wandered back into the bedroom.

The young maknae had awoken at the sound of Manager Sejin through the door, rubbing his eyes and yawning, disorentated as he had heard faint mutters from outside, "You alright Kook?" he felt a comforting arm wrap around his shoulders and he looked up at the warm, familiar face of Sae-mi. Yawning again, he nodded slowly and did not hesitate to curl himself further into her slight frame.

"Jungkook?" The door cracked open and the mutter of his name wafted across the enclosed space. The little one lifted his head for a second time, letting out a little whine of protest at being disturbed. His eyes grew wide in a childish display of curiosity as four of his hyungs wandered into the room, each owning the same sympathetic expression across their faces. At Seokjin's obvious display of nervousness, his fingers tightly intertwined around each other with each step forward he took, a cold chill ran down the youngster's spine.
Where was Jimin... Where were Taehyung and Jimin?

"What's going on?" he asked warily, his voice sounding timid and vulnerable as he shuffled into a seated position next to his friend. A hand gently rubbed his back before Sae-mi intended to depart from the room.

"No- no Sae-mi... Stay." Namjoon urged, sighing, "I think Jungkook will need you here-"
"-w-what's going on? What happened?" A shaking, childish cry emitted around the room. The youngster grasped Sae-mi's fingers tightly, leaning heavily into her, as if the young woman could present herself as a shield against whatever words his hyung's spoke in the next few minutes.

He watched with a wide eyed expression of confusion, mixed with anticipated horror as his hyungs gathered themselves around him on the bed.
"Jungkook..." Namjoon finally spoke.

"We need to talk about Jimin."

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