Chapter Twelve: The Brownie Battle

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Having seen two of their youngest off, with knowing smiles and relieved expressions that their slight tense arguement had led to nothing major, the rest of BTS settled into the dorm to enjoy their weekend break.

But Namjoon couldn't help but be worried for the two maknae line singers. He knew the risk Jimin had taken using a company driver, and he knew the lie the contemporary dancer had told their management. Of course, Bang PD himself knew where the two youngsters were - he wasn't stupid - and had offered to help cover up their tracks... But he too had seemed concerned that Jimin's attempt at a romantic get away was pushing his abilities to their limits.

He had suggested not to tell the rest of management yet, for one simple reason: trust. Of course, he trusted all those he had hired to an enormous extent. But for those BTS did not personally work very closely with and treat much as older family members, he was less happy with currently announcing the news. Personal life and opinion still remained seperate from his knowledge to the professional working space of his employees.

Albeit a small, tight nit company - and still partially working in the warehouse like room they had once begun in - he still tried to retain some element of high professionalism in order to impress the outside eye. Which meant he knew less of the personal lives of some employees he interacted with on a lesser basis. Bang PD was thus concerned the revelation of Jikook's relationship might whittle out those with homophobic and ill meaning perspectives.

Although he was confident this wasn't the case, and such a revelation would help to distinguish those workers he cherished and those he wished to lose... he did not want to risk an angry employee heading to Dispatch and ultimately destroying the safe boundaries they had created for the two little ones.

The leader of BTS was drawn rapidly back to the present day by a hysterical yelp of laughter from the kitchen. Tae and Jinnie were making brownies... He smiled at the sound of Seokjin's comedic grumblings and the sound of Tae dancing around the space to the faint wafts of music emitted from a speaker.

His phone buzzed twice. Taking it out of his hoodie pocket, he smiled with relief at the two messages he'd recieved. One was from Jimin, stating they'd been checked in and were safely in the room without one sight of Dispatch. The other was accompanied by a grinning selfie from Jungkook, who was showing off the lavish space with wide eyes.
It warmed his heart to see the two of them so happy...especially since the turmoil they had gone through when first realising their feelings for each other.

To think... Jungkook had been so terrified of admitting he was gay and in a developing relationship with Jimin, that he had panicked and lied about getting with one of their most beloved make-up artists. He'd thrown himself head first back into the darkening closet so deeply that Jimin, who had already come out and told Tae his undeniable, love-struck feelings for Jungkook, retreated silently and allowed the lie to continue on.

Of course, with any individual who had fallen intensely in love with someone he seemingly couldn't have, his bottled silent suffering had finally exploded in a series of arguments and, a horrific fight Namjoon never wished to experience again.

"Hyung no!" He heard Taehyung squeal, promptly followed by the kitchen door flinging open and said youngster appearing with a fine layer of flour coating his hair and shoulders. The maknae line singer raced into the living room weilding a rolling pin, promptly followed by their grinning eldest who had a bag of flour in one hand, and a fistful of the white substance in the other.

"Seokjinnniie that's our only bag of flour!" Namjoon whined, running a hand over his face in disbelief, "Don't waste it all on Taehyung...I was promised brownies!"
His best friend momentarily paused in his pursuit of the current youngest in the dorm to grin at their leader. He had thick white war stripes across his cheeks, yet they seemed partially jagged and sloping, as if it had not been he who had painted them across his skin, but Tae.Now the flour fight made sense...He ignored the patch of flour running across Jin's lips.

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