Chapter Thirty Two: An Unwanted Meeting

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Photo is from KCon 2017, the event mentioned.

In the past, when Jungkook attended Idol Award weekends, he had only a few concerns. These were namely: maintaining a good reputation, being respectful to all and making sure he put on a good show for Army. As their winning streak continued, he added 'remaining humble' to the ongrowing list of things he had to constantly remember. Not that he'd ever forget to be humble, anyway.
But now, there was another addition to the list.

"Jimin!" he hissed silently for the hundreth time, gritting his teeth and faking a wide smile for the fancams swooping around the busy stage of Idols.

How to stop his boyfriend from being chatted up, without outing his relationship...when said boyfriend acted 'oblivious' to such flirtatous attempts.

Beside him, Namjoon let out an amused chuckle, patting the jealous maknae on the shoulder before gently grasping Jimin's wrist and hauling him away from the cluster of KIdols 'for a fancam group photo'. The young singer glanced sheepishly at his boyfriend's momentary scowl, shrugging briefly in response, his action accompanied by a sweet, irresistible smile that Jimin knew, would always win over their maknae.

Park Jimin, since his confession had seemed to find some... Inner peace of sorts. A confidence to draw out more of himself self into the open and step away from the toxic masculinity that he always shrouded himself in as a safety net. KCon in Mexico City was the first mixed group event he'd fully displayed his new aura and despite only being half way through, BTS were already tired of the attention he was recieving. In brief, he'd gone from desperately wanting to be considered 'a visual' to... Well, to Park Jimin.

By the time the event was over, Hoseok and Taehyung were already giggling over the new term they'd made up. One that, understandably, Jungkook was not a fan of and yet, he knew he'd have to get used to.

The term? The Jimin Effect.


In a disorientated daze, Jimin realised he'd left his phone charger in his own hotel room. BigHit had promised during their own tours he and Jungkook could share a hotel room if they wished, but during mixed group events with multiple KPop artists in the same hotel, they had no desire to take the risk. Unfortunately, what BigHit had little control over, was either boy sleeping in each other's rooms.

"Gonna go... Get... Charger..." he yawned at most likely an unconscious Jungkook. His unconscious state was indeed confirmed as not a single motion of acknowledgement was passed towards the older. Jimin huffed in amusement, lightly patting his boyfriend's head affectionately. Then, rolling out of the warm covers, he rubbed his eyes and swung open the bedroom door, "Mother of- damn that's bright." The contemporary dancer squinted comically at the sudden change from utter darkness, letting out another deep yawn and stepping into the carpeted corridor.


"Oh fuck no." The younger let out a growl, instantly stepping back into the room to allow Ji-Seok ample space to pass, out if reaching distance. Manager Sejin had informed the boys that the stylist would be within the same hotel, but BigHit had negotiated with his own management to ensure his hotel room was far, far away. He had no reason to be on this floor.

Contrary to initial expectation, the older man didn't move. And suddenly, Jimin began to feel incredibly self conscious about his attire of a bare chest and shorts. But he resisted the urge to wrap his arms around his exposed chest, anxious to not display an ounce of nerves.

Needless to say, as the minutes ticked by where both individuals simply stared at each other, Jimin was fuming. He and Jungkook were back to normal, arguably even stronger since talking about his past relationship and sharing that intense night together. He'd deleted and blocked Ji-Seok's number off of his phone, wanting as little ability to contact as possible. Although initially he'd kept Ji-Seok's number, since the incident in the hotel with Jungkook seeing him leave the stylist's room, Jimin wasn't sure he really knew that man from the past anymore.

Finally too irritated to stay silent any longer, Jimin opened his mouth with every intent to harshly dismiss the older and slam the door in his face. He could live with a dead phone. He could charge it at the airport anyway.
But before he could speak, a firm, angered voice rose up behind him. "You need to leave."
At the sight of Jungkook's tired, yet fiercely angry expression, Ji-Seok's previously confident stance changed. It became one of uncertainty, his eyes flickering between Jungkook's under dressed state and how the maknae stood protectively beside the older singer. Jimin turned to see a dark scowl plastered across his boyfriend's face and for once, he seriously feared for Ji-Seok's life.

"C-can I not have a conversation with an old frie-"
"-You have a restraining order. Get the fuck off this floor and away from Jimin." Before Jimin could stop him, the younger had pushed past and out into the corridor, fists clenched as he stared across at the stylist.
"Kook don't..." The contemporary dancer begged, shaking his head desperately. If they caught the attention of other bands... Things could get messy. With this thought racing around his mind, he almost jumped in terror as the door opposite them opened. But it was just Namjoon.

At the sight of Ji-Seok, he scowled deeply, almost emitting an exact replica of the scowl spread across his younger brother's face. Or maybe... Jimin allowed himself a brief moment of amusement. It was probably the other way around.
"You've come to beat me up too?" Ji-Seok muttered bitterly. But, to his surprise (and most definitely relief), the leader of BTS shook his head and shrugged casually, "No, it's not my place to." He then turned to Jungkook, "Kookie if you're going to do anything I suggest hurrying the fuck up, I called security already."

Jungkook clenched his fists and glared at Ji-Seok, "Noted." he growled, taking a step forward.
"H-hang on!" The stylist threw his arms up, stumbling backwards, "How come it's not your place, but it's his?"
"Because," Jungkook spat, taking another step forward. He did not deny the glee coarsing through his veins. But, before he made a mistake he turned to Jimin, "Can I?
"Hell yes."

"Because," The maknae began again, lifting his fists, and grinning at the sheer look of horror across Ji-Seok's face, "You hurt Jimin," he let out a laugh.
"And you go through Jungkook." The three BTS members suddenly froze as a fourth voice wafted through the hall. On seeing the newcomer, the main singer instantly dropped his arms and smiled sheepishly at his manager, "Oh no Kook, don't let me stop you."

By that point, Ji-Seok had already caught on to what was happening. He met out a nervous laugh, taking another step backwards. "Oh my- oh shit you're... You're his boyfriend?" The nervous laugh suddenly became somewhat disconcertingly hysterical. So much so, that he was forced to double over and clutch his knees fron the strength of his howling laughter.

Until of course, he found himself on the floor.

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