Chapter Seven: Hot Chocolate

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Jimin's eyes flew open and he launched upright, gasping desperately for breath. At once, the sleeping maknae beside him jolted awake, barely gathering his tired thoughts together before bundling the contemporary dancer into a tight bear hug. To Jungkook's shock, he realised his boyfriend was trembling, small beads of sweat pooling across his forehead.

"Jiminie..." The younger murmured, nestling his head onto Jimin's shoulder delicately. It did not go amiss that the older seemed to flinch at the action, "Are you alright?"
He nodded, "Yeah. Just a bad dream." But his voice was restricted, his fingers tangling themselves tightly around each other anxiously... Jungkook knew it hadn't just been a bad dream.

Something wasn't right.

"I... I'll be alright. Let's just sleep." Despite his concerns, Jungkook trusted Jimin to profess his own feelings to him... So, he slowly guided the older back into the covers, tightly bundling him into the bedsheets.
But he could feel the dancer's muscles twitching, hear the slight mutterings as his boyfriend desperately attempted to shut out what he'd just seen and find some way back to sleep.

Finally, the maknae had had enough.

"No. This isnt alright." he muttered, hauling himself out of the bed and pattering over to Jimin's side. Gently, he placed the arms of the trembling older around his neck, "Wrap your legs around my waist."
And too distraught from the nightmare to argue otherwise, Jimin silently obliged, nestling his head underneath Jungkook's chin as he hugged his chest tightly. Ensuring the smaller singer was secure, Jungkook picked himself up from where he'd been kneeling on the floor and pattered out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

He did not care that Taehyung and his actor friends were still awake, their conversation suddenly faltering as Jungkook passed. Nor did he care to give an explanation for why both singers had emerged, shirtless, from the same room at three o'clock in the morning, clearly having been asleep before that moment. All he cared about was Jimin.

Padding into the kitchen, he gently propped Jimin up on one of the chairs. Placing both hands comfortingly upon the older's shoulders, he gazed earnestly into Jimin's timid eyes.
"Hot chocolate? Rameyon?"
A weary, yet hesitatant smile flickered onto the face of the contemporary dancer. It seemed almost childlike as he quietly mumbled, "H-hot... Hot chocolate."

"On it." Jungkook gently rested his lips against Jimin's flushed forehead, taking a moment to engulf the smaller into a reassuring hug before busying himself around the kitchen.

In the living room, the conversation was yet to recommence. Both Seo Joon and Hyung Shik, since the appearance of the two other members of BTS, had noticed Taehyung grow anxiously silent, slowly picking at the threads of his frayed jeans nervously. Anything he had said was in restricted tones, accompanied by sheepish nods or a shake of his head.

Although understanding very little of the situation, both actors could sense perhaps something had been revealed to them, which neither adult had actually realised. Taehyung however, to whom it was very apparent, was under the impression they had just found out something they shouldn't. Was Jimin alright? Hyung Shik found himself wondering. Were BigHit hiding an illness of his?

"Tae." Hyung Shik finally spoke up, finally too frustrated by the lull in the conversation to not say anything at all. The younger actor looked timidly up at his two hyungs. "Do you want to check on Jimin?"
But Taehyung seemed to instinctively shake his head, replying, "No. He's with Jungkook...I'll check on him tommorrow."
"You sure?"
"Hmm. Jungkook was there - he will know what happened. I probably won't be any use right now, especially if Jimin's that exhausted."

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