Chapter Nine: Safe

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Critical Question: Yoongi or Sae-mi?


Jungkook spent the rest of the evening huddled against Taehyung on the sofa, small droplets never failing to dance across his eyes and occasionally streak down his cheeks in single silvery pathways.
He barely glanced up as the sofa dipped slightly and Hoseok joined the comforting huddle of emotional singers admist fluffy blankets.

"What do you want to watch Kookie?" he murmured softly, running a hand through their maknae's dark hair.
Jungkook shifted, curling himself further into the blankets to lean against JHope's chest, now giving Taehyung the ability to stretch his legs and use the bathroom without having to abruptly interrupt Jungkook resting.
"L-love Actually." The little one muttered, his face buried into the dance leader's shirt.

Once Tae had arrived back, he began searching through their stash of DVDs and set about starting the film. As the opening credits began to roll, he gathered himself off the floor where he had been kneeling and flashed a face of sympathy towards a very weary Jungkook. Gently placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, he murmured, "Do you want some hot chocolate baby?"
He nodded, but his murmured response simply made Taehyung's heart melt. "I want Jimin-shii."

Hosoek tightened his hold around the exhausted teenager, whose eyes were now fixated on the rolling scenes of one of his favourite movies.
Yet despite being caught up in the scenes of the film, every so often his fist would bunch tightly in the material of his hyung's shirt and he'd mutter, "I want Jimin-shii."

Jimin was fine by the next morning. He'd woken early in the morning, trembling from a nightmare, but had bundled himself tightly in the chest of Yoongi who had fallen asleep while it was his turn to watch the tired singer. This had woken the rapper, who had tightly held the heavily breathing youngster until he felt Jimin's grip go slack and the singer fell asleep again.

By the time both singer and rapper had woken again later in the morning, Jimin had seemingly recovered to his usual bubbly self.  Yoongi woke a few moments later and had found him sat up, typing away on his phone to a certain maknae, who was still banned from Jimin, Tae and Hoseok's room.

As it happened, Taehyung and Hobi had fallen asleep on the sofa alongside Jungkook, neither member of BTS able to keep their eyes open as Love Actually rolled to a close. The maknae had drifted off as the Prime Minister went on his wild goose chase around London after the woman he loved.

"Argh I'm so stupid..." Jimin mumbled, swinging his legs off of the bed and trudging into the kitchen for some water. Yoongi, concerned the young singer was still weakened by his fall, followed swiftly suite. But he needn't have worried about Jimin being on his own. For as soon as their maknae had caught sight of Jimin awake, he had prised himself out the VHope hold and dashed into the kitchen.
"Kookie-" The contemporary dancer barely had time to utter before a hand roped itself around his delicate waist, he collided with a warm chest and lips eagerly, yet gently, pressed themselves to his own. Jimin smiled into the kiss, relaxing against his boyfriend's frame and looping his arms around the taller one's neck.
Although Yoongi had reached the kitchen by this point, he took no time at all to grin childishly at the scene and slowly back up the way he had come from.

As the younger felt the tip of Jimin's tongue gently graze his bottom lip, he slowly pulled away from their kiss, cupping both hands around the older's face and drawing their foreheads together. They could be more intimate later, he hummed to himself, closing his eyes as he breathed Jimin's sweet scent in peacefully, For now... he just wanted to be close.

Despite SUGA attempting to give Jikook the space they needed, his efforts were in vain as Namjoon clatterered into the kitchen, followed swiftly by Seokjin who was grumbling about 'Namjoon cooking breakfast over my dead body.' While their giddy leader, ignorant of the moment he had just disrupted, began rifling through cupboards, humming to himself.

He stopped as he reached a cupboard blocked by the two youngsters. They were both staring at him in adoring amusement, Jimin's arms still slung around Jungkook's neck, the latter with his hands still tightly grasping the older's waist, "Morning Namjoon," Jungkook grinned, leaning forward and gently pecking Jimin's lips.
"Morning..." he grumbled, but could not keep a smile from his face, "Can I reach the cupboard. I'm trying to make breakfast... Because thats what you're supposed to use a kitchen for,... Not..." he waved to the couple's stance, "... Whatever this is."

Jimin chuckled, his face flushing a slight red, "Alright alright we'll move." And, with little warning, the smaller of the pair jumped into Jungkook's arms, wrapping his legs tightly around the younger's torso as he felt two strong arms support underneath his thighs. Letting out a childish giggle, Jungkook left the kitchen, only stopping to stick his tongue out at a gagging Jin.


The concert they had been rehearsing for the previous day involved many different KPop groups, which meant the halls were bustling with giddy and nervous artists each desperate to peform their best for their respective fans.

Huddled in the corner of a busy room, almost disregarded by the occupied staff, BTS patiently waited for their slot to perform. And when they did, they gave it their absolute all. It didn't matter the number of Army bombs were severely outnumbered by other groups' light sticks. All that mattered was that they were performing for those fans that had turned up and kept fighting to give them support.

As the concert drew to a close, their manager alerted to them to the fact their cars were, once again, delayed by the stream of KIdols being picked up. So Jimin and Jungkook wandered into the practice studio, setting up some music that timidly wafted through Jimin's phone speaker as they hysterically freestyled to whichever song popped up next on the playlist.

As 'Danger' rolled to a close, Jungkook suddenly collided with the older and the two tumbled to the floor in a flurry of limbs and howling laughter. But this laughter swiftly escaped both pairs of lips, eyes widening as Jungkook found himself hovering over his boyfriend, their noses gently brushing past one another.
"Jimin..." he murmured as a hand snaked it's way around his neck, "I love you."
"I love you too Kookie..." Jimin grinned, pulling his younger boyfriend down towards him and moulding their lips together.

They did not stay in that state for long. As the moment a tongue gently eased itself into Jimin's mouth, the studio door flung open and Hoseok let out a yelp of disgust, "Children! We are in a public space!" he huffed, "You are supposed to be in a secret relationship while the homophobes figure their angsty shit out!" The lovebirds chuckled, completely missing the scowl of frustration aimed at them. They grinned widely as they pulled away from each other and gathered themselves to their feet.

"The cars are here finally." Hobi muttered, scowling even deeper, "One day... Those other Idols' drivers will break their backs trying to make space for our rides back to the dorm..."
"...and I assume one day every Idol plans to be bowing in wide eyed respect for us too in your impossible dream Hobi?"
"Impossible?" He huffed, adding before he left, "Nothing is impossible Jimin."

Realising his belongings were strewn all over the studio from their manic dancing spree, Jimin suggested Jungkook go on ahead without him and make sure the cars didn't leave without them. The maknae nodded, pecking him on the cheek and bounding childishly out of the room.
"Could I love anyone cuter?" Jimin smiled, shaking his head in disbelief as a warm feeling enveloped his chest. Taking a moment to compose himself within his love-struck trance, he began collecting up his things.


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