Chapter Three: Welcome To The Dorm

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If the dorm were collectively grateful for one thing in that single moment as they all clustered around the breakfast table, it was that having wrapped up their music video the day before, their schedule was clear. Although each singer perhaps were thankful for such a fact due to different reasons, it did not change the decision to simply hang around the flat and take advantage of every single second being theirs to enjoy. 

"Morning," Seokjin yawned, wandering into the kitchen adorned in a dark blue fluffy dressing gown and rubbing his eyes tiredly. He received a few weary smiles of acknowledgement and a muttered 'Hola' from Taehyung in return.
"Who's up for playing the game: How many hours sleep did you not get? The loser buys dinner tonight- oh wait Jimin? That's you."

The contemporary dancer, halfway between chewing on breakfast and subtley escaping back out of the kitchen to wake their youngest member, suddenly froze as he gained several pairs of eyes trained at him. He raised his eyebrows, pointing to himself, innocently outraged.
"Me?! Why would you choose me?"

"Well," The eldest huffed, "Let's see..."  As he began to list off, accounting for each other artist's valid excuse, Tae sat beside him nodding in an exaggerated fashion and counting each new excuse on his fingers.
That brat... Jimin sighed in disbelief.

"... I know for a fact Yoongi was blasting very loud music from his headphones till obscene hours of the morning. He text me at three AM asking for my most outrageous playlist because he'd been through all his..."

On hearing the recount of his actions, Yoongi nodded, waving to the pair of Beats that still, despite having slept, were around his neck. He'd woken up in frustration to one of Jin's outlandish pop songs he knew he hated and instantly regretted ever being nice to Jungkook.

"... Given I responded to Yoongi at three, naturally because the requirement of such songs was still very much apparent, it's clear I was very much awake. Namjoon was innocently trying to distract poor Taehyung by teaching him English off shitty YouTuber videos, but frankly, Taehyung was having a hard time hearing the words, so I know they were up for a while after me-"

"-And Hobi? Can you account for him?" Jimin glanced over at their scowling dance leader expectantly. Jin nodded, and grinned.
"He was watching Namjoon teach Tae English. Honestly Jimin... Watching little Tae try to pick out phrases while his two best friends are making a lot of inappropriate noise is hilarious-"

"-Jungkook fell asleep at a similar time to me-" But Jimin knew his protests were futile. It was clear the dorm had heard everything. And, just like before, they weren't going to let them off lightly.
He guessed he and Jungkook had been a little... Excited.

"-Oh trust me. We know. But I doubt his quality of sleep was as good as yours." Yoongi's comment suddenly snapped Jimin back to reality, and a red flush instantly rose across his cheeks.
He knew this embarassment would only grow once Jungkook had gotten up and begun interacting with the others. As soon as they saw the maknae, Jimin knew last nights events would never be allowed to drift away from him.

About ten minutes before they had all congregated for breakfast, the young maknae had promptly threatened Jimin profusely and sweetly reminded him of how useful their day off currently was. Perhaps last night had been... A little... Too much.

Anxious to avoid further embarassment, Jimin simply smiled weakly at the chorus of friendly jabs of protest, "Ah... I'm going to get Jungkook." And with that silent, weary mutter, he shuffled out of the room.

The older singer smiled warmly as he wandered back into Jungkook's room and took in the adorable sight of a figure wrapped up in a bundle of blankets.

Memories of the night before flooded over him, his stomach lurching with excitement at the remembering of those simple touches. Lips fused together in some sort of desperate trance, hands eagerly roaming bodies that slowly became void of any clothing as the flushed dance continued.

Gently settling himself down beside the bundle of material, Jimin affectionately poked where he believed to be Jungkook's shoulder, earning a muffled grunt of acknowledgement in return.
Unable to help it, his fingers found themselves slowly trailing the faint outline of the younger's body marked underneath the blanket, each second sending a flood of butterflies tumbling across his stomach.

He could not forget - nor did he want to - the feeling of becoming that intimate with Jungkook again. The feeling of their bare bodies grinding up against one another, each singer letting out small huffs of content as slight sparks seemed to fly at even the simplest of touches. He would not forget the muttered moans of his name escaping the maknae's lips, his body quivering with anticipation long before Jimin had even guided a finger in to gently prep him.

Having patiently waited at each moment for Jungkook to adjust to the feelings again, he could not keep a grin off of his face as he remembered the rest of that night. How the fingers of his right hand had entertwined in the small, flushed palms flattened against the wall at the head of Jungkook's bed. His left arm wrapping itself tightly around the maknae's waist for support as he had guided his thrusts to a rhythmic pace.

In the bundle of blankets, the sleepy youngster finally shuffled, groggily turning to face the wide smile of his boyfriend and wearily responding with a similar expression of his own.
He would not forget the moment Jungkook rested the back of his head against the crook of Jimin's neck , eyes tightly shut, his lips letting out low, breathy moans at each fluid thrust. The maknae had been so caught up in the adrenaline  pumped, hormonal rush of their act and had muttered, "You can go faster Jimin-shi-" and of course, Jimin had willingly responded.

They had known their dorm mates would not appreciate the state of which their sexual yearning had progressed to. Jimin did not need to strain to hear the creaks of Jungkook's bed, matched in a odd sort of chord with the increasingly heavy moans emitted from them both.
But neither cared. All either of them cared about, was to satisfy their desperate, lust driven... love driven urge. To feel at one with each other as the flushes of intense pleasure rode across their bodies, caught up in some sort of united trance.

"Morning baby," Jimin muttered, swiping a gentle strand of hair away from his boyfriend's face as two wide adoring eyes glanced up at him, "You need to come get breakfa-"
"-Jimin I'm not moving." Jungkook interrupted with determination.
"B... you need to eat-"
"-I'm not moving... I'm not-I won't face them. I can't."
The older chuckled in amused affection. "You faced them last time." He smiled softly, tucking another strand of loose hair away from the younger's eyes.

His mind drew back to the morning after their first time together, the sweet, yet mocking expressions of their fellow group members as Jungkook had tried his utmost best to wander into the kitchen, looking unphased and without discomfort.
The act had partially worked until dance rehearsals. And then, no one in the studio could have been fooled by the maknae's slight limp and Jimin's apologetic gazes.

"Yes," Jungkook agreed, "But last time, none of them had to hear any of it."
"Ah." The contemporary dancer nodded, huffing, "You have a point...but Kookie come on...

... How bad could it be?"

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