Chapter Twenty Four: The Truth Untold

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Disclaimer: Themes of a bad relationship.

... I'm sorry... Ok?


The meeting was a complete distaster. It was clear that none of the artists had their music on their minds. Each providing such feeble, out of character ideas and feedback that after half an hour, Manager Sejin threw down his file, stood up abruptly and told them to have one of their 'infamous mothers meetings' to sort whatever shit they had going in out, before he returned later that afternoon.

Of course, by 'whatever shit', he knew, as did most of the BigHit staff, what they were bothered by. Even if he hadn't been woken by the horrendous yelling the week before, it had not taken long for the rumour to flood around the company once BTS had returned from the award weekend. Although most still assumed they were exaggerated rumours from a brotherly fight, Bang PD had been forced to call a meeting with the staff that interacted most closely with BTS.
'I would have preferred Jimin and Jungkook to tell you themselves but as you can see that's hardly possible right now.' He had said, before admitting that the rumours were true and the two singers had been involved with each other in a serious relationship.

Out of the small group of staff in the meeting (including, rather oddly, one of their stylists) most of them did not look surprised. Neither was he. He'd caught sight of a few questionable behaviours and comments between the two during meetings, music video filming, recording... Frankly, everywhere. But he respected his artists enough to not pry into a very sensitive aspect of their personal life, should his curious observations be true.

On watching their manager leave their dorm in pursuit of coffee, the maknae scowled, "I'm not discussing this in a stupid family meeting." he pushed himself to his feet, suddenly stopping and huffing loudly at the concerned faces around him, "What more do we need to fucking discuss?" With that, Jungkook stalked off to his room, the sound of a door slamming echoing around the space.

After a moment, Jimin rose to his feet, "I'm heading out." he announced, reaching towards his shoes propped by the sofa edge. To this announcement, Namjoon sighed.
"Jimin you can't go out. Its pissing it down and Sejin-"
"I don't care."
"Jimin please-"
"-What more do you fucking want from me?!" The contemporary dancer suddenly screeched, "I'm not a porcelain doll! Don't baby me-"
"-Jimin we never have thought-"
He slammed his feet onto the ground as he stood up and let out a scream of frustration, clenching his fists tightly, "I just need a little bit of time to get the fuck over my fucking break up because some bastard from my past decided to create the fantasy illusion that I'd fucking cheated on the man I actually love and I'm too cowardly to tell him that because I'm too ashamed of my disgusting actions." And before he realised what he'd said, Jimin flung himself out of the balcony doors and stood himself in the cold surroundings, totally encapsulated by his haunting thoughts.

Namjoon buried his head deeply with his hands and sighed, "Well I just feel like the best leader ever..." he let out a bitter sarcastic mutter.

Placing a comforting hand on his best friend's back, Seokjin's eyes grew wide, "I knew something didn't seem right..." he whispered, his mind flooding with relief at the sudden absolute confirmation that, as he suspected, Jimin did not actually cheat. None of them had really believed that... They just did not know what the mess could have actually been. His thoughts were interuppted by two loud, wracking sobs, the sounds derived from two different areas meeting with the living room to create a demented, clash of despair.

Min Yoongi flew to his feet. "I'm going to speak to Jimin. No one follow. Keep working on this album stuff or go check up on our little one."

Yoongi found the younger singer curled up in the corner of their balcony outside, his cheeks stained with salted tears, flushed as he shivered from the cold. Returning inside momentarily, he hauled one of their jackets off a nearby rack and headed back out.

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