Chapter Thirty One: Resolution

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"I'm sorry I ever thought you were unfaithul... I feel like such a...urgh I don't know!" The little one curled himself further around the older, burying his dark hair into the crook of Jimin's neck. A smile slowly spread across the contemporary dancer's mouth.

"Its ok baby," he murmured, shifting comfortably among the bedsheets, attempting to warm his cold limbs. He was glad they'd finally discussed everything they needed to, but it had been an hour long talk outside in the cold night air. They'd only stopped talking because Jungkook had realised his soon-to-be boyfriend again was shivering.

The taller figure whose chest he leant against suddenly lifted his head from Jimin's neck. With a gentle finger, he delicately tapped the base of the older's chin and encouraged him to lift his head. Jungkook hummed contently as he nusled his nose against that of the one he loved, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. Drawing away only slightly, he then lightly placed his lips on each of Jimin's closed eyelids. Then, trailing down to the tip of his nose and hovering over each of his cold cheeks.

And then as he could no longer resist his deep, yearning urge, he brushed his lips across the older's trembling lips.

"I'll buy you anything you want Jungkook-shii. Look, the camera is here to confirm it." Jimin's light hearted, spritely tone gently drew Jungkook back into reality.
"Anything?" The maknae teased, returning the wide smile and leaning forward, pondering. Jimin nodded.

A kiss. Jungkook wanted to say. He wanted, nor needed nothing more. But he knew Jimin - although seeming flirtatious - was partially performing for Army and so he moulded his romantic answer into a more subtle response. "An apartment," he grinned, drawing away in amusement as Jimin drew a hand lightly across his shoulder.

Although he hoped the comment was subtle enough that Army wouldn't connect the dots and decipher his flirtatious intentions, by the brief look of shocked, disbelief on Jimin's face, he knew he'd be having a serious conversation later.

Jungkook didn't know if it was a burst of adrenaline, or a sense of intense relief or a desperate romantic yearn, but the touch of his lips against Jimin's suddenly sent his mind into a panicked frenzy of wanting nothing more than to be with the older. And it seemed, he was not the only one to experience such a reaction.

In the instant that their chaste kiss disconnected, the maknae found hands roped around his neck, legs firmly wrapped around his torso. Their lips seemed to fuse together in some sort of hasty, insistent longing for intimacy in which neither cared for quality or romance within the embrace - no. It was simply as if all the pent up desire and want for each other in the moments where they could not, had finally exploded out in one single moment.

Jungkook could remember their breathless gasps as hands fumbled for shirt buttons, neither quite sure where they wished to take the frantic moment, but seeming to continue nonetheless.

He could remember the quiet moans of content in response to shifting hips and wandering fingers. Those that trailed across exposed thighs in slight, teasing dances, sending sparks of pleasure through heaving chests. It was by this point, both silently knew where they wished this experience to go.

Although he could remember the whole experience, there was one moment that he knew, would remain a glorious, vivid painting within his mind. It was that very moment that graced his thoughts now, as he could not resist the urge to gaze at Jimin across the car. His eyes met his boyfriend's and he blew a joking kiss. "My mochi. My mochi." he muttered, grinning.

It was the memory of Jimin. Of the older's quivering lips, his fingers tightly digging into Jungkook's shoulder blades as the younger hovered over him. Of his tightly closed eyes, the fresh beads of sweat gracing his tilted back forehead as he succomed to the whirlwind of pleasure around him. It was the euphoric feeling of being completly entrusted with such an experience, without a single vocal word uttered from either of their lips to tell them what roles each would take in this fierce dance. Jungkook had just guided, and Jimin had simply responded.

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