Outtake Chapters: Misconception

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Outtakes = never finished and badly written, but have an outtake from my drafts 💜

A few of my outtakes, which are more mature themed are now on my Patreon which will be up and running in a day or two! Please make sure to check it out :)


[In America for 2017 bbmas]

The staff waited nervously around backstage of Billboard as the group they'd been warned about finally announced their presence. Bigger than you think. They'd been told, Just let them do their thing. They'd been advised to step back, only aid where needed. "These guys are stupidly, insanely professional. Beyond imagination. Don't get in their way." The staff manager had warned intently.

So naturally, they'd expected a serious setting, with organisation, intent focus and little time to relax. Naturally.

They heard them before they saw them. Their Korean staff came in first, instantly surveying the room and setting up as they thought appropriate. Hauling out huge make up bags, hanging out clothes and placing Korean-style snacks around the room. The group then followed suite.
"Hhhyyyuuuung!" Came a squeal of high pitched protest, the door swinging open to reveal an incredibly handsome, yet childishly grinning face of one of the artists. His mouth dropped open at the sight if the room and he muttered something low in Korean.

"Alright!" Another yelled in English, seeming to assert leadership within the space, "Let's do this!"


The staff, despite initially not believing their boss upon first impression, were in awe of how professional, yet childish these singers were. Everything that related to their job, whether blocking moves to the absolute last minute, or conversing with their tech staff, their manager on the final changes to the set...It was all done with far greater professionalism than they'd seen before. And so, as the interviewers finally arrived and set themselves up, there was not an ounce of doubt that these artists would make a mistake.

The interview was for an American news station - prior to their bbma appearance. BTS would be promoting their new single, which the staff had heard play non-stop for the past three hours BTS had already been within the building. Their choreographer, upon examining their perfectly executed dance for the final time, called out something in Korean, nodding and clapping in content. The boys cheered, grinning. Finally, they were given a break. 


"Jinnie-Hyunng!" Tae squealed as the eldest found his younger brother barelling into him to evade capture from he and Hoseok's childish game. Having had the intention to get up and rest on the makeshift bed he'd made of blankets and jackets (all the sofas were occupied), the older grumbled in light irritation.
"Tae don't you ever stop?" he scowled playfully, sighing as the younger clambered onto his lap and hugged him tightly, hiding his face in the layers of his purple hoodie as if this would make him invisible to Hobi's playful attacks.

The younger, suddenly overcome with tiredness yawned and nodded sleepily, "I... Could do with some rest..." and before Seokjin could stop him, he'd closed his eyes and let his weight fall onto the older.
"Aish... Hobi, little one fell asleep. Maybe stop for a bit." Their dance leader nodded in understanding and promptly curled himself up against Yoongi, who was propped up against a wall glaring into his phone. The older's face flickered into an affectionate smile as he too found a suddenly sleeping BTS member slumped onto his lap.

"Tae Tae..." Seokjin muttered, looking around as he assessed any way he could reach his comfortable pile of jackets, "Tae?" he gently brushed a loose strand of hair from the singer's face. The younger hummed contently at the sound of his name, looking up with tired eyes at his hyung, "I'm going to go lie down over there... You think you can walk?"
Another hum of content and he sleepily, guided by Seokjin, hauled himself away from him.

Their Korean staff chuckled in affectionate laughter as the older wrapped two arms around Taehyung so his back rested against his own chest, and gently guided the sleepy singer across the room. Though forced to turn their attention to the interviewers who had come to check on a few final bits if information, they could not help but hold smiles on their faces as they occasionally glanced at the two close brothers. It was nothing out of the ordinary... Just it was very adorable.

The American staff who were present within the room seemed curious as to how unresponsive everyone else was in light of the two singer's actions. It was clear the group were incredibly close, which was evident from one of them using another's lap as a pillow and another two sharing a sofa space as they deeply slept.
But this made them curious.

The staff and interviewers watched while bustling around with final info and touches as the older singer gently placed the younger onto his makeshift bed of jackets. On lying down himself, the younger instantly buried himself into his chest comfortably. The older simply responded by hauling one of his legs over the younger's body and engulfing him in an intimate bear hug.

"Got everything you need?" The leader of the group asked to the interviewers, muttering something in Korean to his manager. The two nodded, but there was one burning question they wished to ask.
"Just one question-" the woman asked, glancing over at Taehyung and Seokjin curled up in the corner of the room.

Namjoon noticed her line of sight and sighed. Here we go. He grumbled to himself, predicting the usual assumptions of theirs.
"Those two-" she spoke up nervously, "I-uh... I assume that's not something we bring up?"
The leader of BTS grinned in amusement. He found it incredibly hilarious how the actual couple of BTS had remained secret, whereas simply two best friends cuddling had been presumed dating.

"No I uh-" Namjoon chuckled, "Hyung." he called out to a sleepy Seokjin. The older looked up wearily, drawing himself up onto his elbows but still leaving an arm wrapped securely around his younger brother, "They think you're together." he spoke in English.
Seokjin let out a chuckle, "Nono-" he smiled, "-Younger brother." he replied, his strong accent wafting through his English response.

The interviewer flushed a deep red in embarrassment.


Morning 💚

If you're wondering timelines, this would be in the intermission between Book 2 and 3.

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